】I,Yozora,take you to be my husband,my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today,tomorrow,and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and ... 分享70赞 涵可吧 雨水流香 【涵可】可可:Will you marry me...这么晚...
】 I,Yozora,take you to be my husband,my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today,tomorrow,and f 分享70赞 西安欧亚学院吧 miss筱雨 will you marry me?I am really really love you. ---青梅枯萎,竹马老去,从此我爱的人都像你。 分享78赞 ...