Universal Pictures has released a trailer for Jennifer Lopez’s “Marry Me,” heading to theaters on February 11, just in time for Valentine’s Day.The romantic comedy follows Lopez as Kat, a music superstar, who marries a complete stranger (Owen Wilson) during a concert after she finds out...
"It made it easy acting for me," Morin said. "My character's supposed to be intimidated, so it's easy." While the series is centered around Christmas, Quaid said that the nature of the show and its premise lends to a ton of other opportunities for future seasons of the si...
'Christmas in the Spotlight' Trailer: First Look at Lifetime's Tayvis-Inspired Holiday Movie! 1:36 Jessica Lord Watched Taylor Swift's Eras Tour '10 Times' to Prep for Tayvis-Inspired Christmas Movie 2:20 Jason Kelce Denies Falling Asleep at Taylor Swift...
Refusing to take no for an answer, Yao then returned to Spain and signed over all his assets and businesses to his children, and returned to Zhejiang to prove his sincerity. Moved by his gestures, Liu accepted Yao and married him on Christmas Day. ...
Boom!, Bad Boys for Life | “The Christmas Shoes” Song Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. 37 分钟 12月18日 In this episode, we recap this week in pop culture news, including our theories on what’s really going on with all the drone sightings and our ...
Daily Dad Jokes (06 Dec 2024) The Christmas Jokes electronic button now available on Amazon. Perfect for stocking fillers, Secret Santa and Kris Kringle! Fun for all ages and guaranteed to provide laughs (and groans). Click here here to view ! The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic...
Just three days after the trailer for her buzzy rom-com Marry Me set Twitter ablaze (with questions), Lopez took to the AMAs stage for a performance of the movie’s first single “On My Way.” Lopez began the performance seated in a black gown, from which she soon quick-changed into ...
A return date for Queer Love has not been announced, but Marry or Move On will be back for its third season in December.More from TVLineThe Umbrella Academy Trailer: The Hargreeves Aren't So Powerless Anymore in New Final Season FootageA Family Affair Trailer: Nicole Kidman Falls For Zac...