For example, if you are constantly texting the man or woman you want to potentially start dating, it can become overbearing very quickly and you will come off as needy and too into him or her. And that will push them away from you, even before you offer the prospect of going out on ...
“I’m not going to dress a 6’5” man in a woman’s dress,” Brandy says. “I’m 5’2”. It’s disgusting! It’s inappropriate. You know what I want to tell my clients sometimes? Stop trying to force a square peg in a round hole! That’s not even a metaphor or whatever....
What if I told you that there was a way to remove the hassle of“seduction”and replace it with a simple technique to make any married woman become putty in your hands? And to make it even better, it works notonlyon attached women.You can pretty much use the same principles to attract...
I did that last week when I happened to chat with a woman on one of my FB book groups who it turns out is the sister of a man I dated a few times many years ago. She obviously was fine telling me he was her brother and obviously didn't want to discuss him (...
A courageous woman, Anon 3, who was married to a pedophile reached out to address the wives of pedophiles involved in the Sovereign Grace Ministries lawsuit. Her words were beautiful and gave hope. In a later comment, she said that this was the ve...
I’m telling ya, this woman has it figured out. Here’s somebody with a crazy gift — pipes that won’t quit, songwriting chops for days — but she doesn’t love being “the star,” the center of everyone’s spotlight, a perfect product to be bought and sold. ...
Watch my FREE video, “How to Speak Man” to STOP speculating and START winning his heart!You’re dating an amazing new man. Trouble is this amazing new man already has a woman at home. That’s right; you’re dating a married man. Every couple of days I get an email from another ...
There is nothing sexier to a man than a woman who loves her career, who has a passion for her work, and who goes to her job everyday with enthusiasm. It takes the pressure off of the relationship, because he knows the woman has a life outside of him. It also fosters respect and ...
under 5% of connections between a woman and a married guy induce a lasting connection or wedding. It is a man that isn’t rewarding his vows to his spouse possesses a brief history of cheating, at the same time cannot entirely commit himself for you. ...
Mostly I want to solidify its place in the event I can help some poor woman in the future. In most cases, I love it when something I didn’t understand finally makes itself clear to me. I also love it when I’m right. Not this time. We just finished the IVF with Shady Grove. ...