摘要: The article presents a report on marriage allowance tax break, which reveals that one in four couples only sign in for the claims of the marriageallowance and tax breaks, informed Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC).关键词:
英国的房屋税 Council Tax 是啥? 英国每年自我申报税的过程 (Self Assessment) 英国政府说我有三年的工作空档期可以选择补税(Payable Gaps, HMRC) 今年报税欠英国税务局HMRC大几千英镑: 1月31日前要缴清 441个汉字, 你数一下对不对. 如何通过申请英国的结婚津贴Marriage Allowance(婚姻免税额)来合理避税?.(AMP...