(1)指婚姻由于存在瑕疵而被认定为无效〔null and void〕。有瑕疵的婚姻可以分为两种:无效的〔void〕与可撤销的〔voidable〕。婚姻无效可以是因当事人不足结婚年龄、心智不健全、已与他人结婚且婚姻关系尚存、属于禁止结婚的亲等范围、结婚的意思表示不真实等;婚姻可撤销的原因则包括当事人性交不能、拒绝同房或存在...
Once it is proven with moral certainty, or beyond reasonable doubt, that one party was deceitful in obtaining the consent of the other, both systems of law consider the marriage null and void. Therefore, at least in the case scenario discussed in our study, the Church can formally recogni...
It should be noted that a de facto marriage is not a null and void marriage, because a de facto marriage is a "cohabitation" relationship without being recognized by law, and it is not a "marriage" relationship, and there is no question of the legal validity of a valid or invalid ...
null and void on the basis of the accepted position rather than making the parties go through a protracted litigative process. Besides, it is the statutory provision of Section 5(i) of the Act, which has been infringed and there is no estoppel against a statute. Therefore, in view of ...
the parties intending to get married or to resume their marriage that their marriage relationship is null and void, and recall the marriage certificates, and declare to the parties intending for divorce that the rescission of marriage relationship is null and void, and recall the divorce ...
and commence with a ritual celebration, or wedding. Some cultures practice trial marriage; the couple lives together before deciding whether they should marry. Societies have generally prescribed where newlywed couples should live: In patrilocal cultures, they live with or near the husband's family;...
3. A marriage in which these three circumstances concur, although null and void, will have the effect of entitling the wife, if she be in good faith, to enforce the rights of property, which would have been competent to her if the marriage had been valid, and of rendering the children...
“i did not think it was unreasonable to remove what is now null-and-void unconstitutional language from the code,” pierce said. “i didn't think it would be that controversial because this issue has been settled now. apparently to the republican caucus it is controversial.” b...
For example, suppose a man married a woman and later discovered that they had been breastfed by the same woman. In this case, it is as if the marriage never took place because those two were not qualified or allowed to marry each other and the marriage becomes null and void. Concerning...
The lawful rights and interests of women, children and old people shall be protected.Family planning shall be practised. 第三条禁止包办、买卖婚姻和其他⼲涉婚姻自由的行为。禁止借婚姻索取财物。 禁止重婚。禁止有配偶者与他⼈同居。禁止家庭暴⼒。禁止家庭成员间的虐待和遗弃。Article 3 Marriage...