Heal from infidelity with Dr. Talal’s results-oriented marriage retreats and couples counseling near you. Expert in infidelity counseling that gets results.
Alma has a background in crisis intervention and works with women, families, parent coaching and family repair work. More recently, Alma has incorporated EMDR therapy into her work with individuals who desire to heal from trauma and other distressing life experiences. With her husband's leading,...
Dr. Butch Losey Helping couples with: managing the crisis of infidelity, deepening intimacy, and bettering conflict resolution and communication skills HOME PRESENTING CONCERNS THERAPY OPTIONS COUPLES RETREATS CONNECT BLOG Providing Couples Therapy
"Our goal is to empower 100,000 people to heal from divorce and see it as a crossroads in their life vs. the crisis it is for so many people globally" - Naked Divorce Team Adele TheronNaked Divorce Team Get in Touch Book a Clarity call or email the team ...
For many couples, however, change is certainly possible, and is often sparked by a crisis (eg. a big argument, a fork in the road), followed by an acknowledgement of the issue, followed by the question ‘what do we do about this?’ When you’re going through this process, it is ...
Meanwhile, the results of social research point to a multifaceted crisis in marital and family relations, making it increasingly difficult for young people to start a family in the absence of adequate support from society. This is also why many young people are abandoning marriage in favor of ...