PRIVACYNOTES •Section42oftheMarriageAct1961(theAct)requiresthatamarriageshallnotbesolemnisedunlessanoticein writingo theintendedmarriage,intheprescribed orm,isgiventotheauthorisedcelebrantsolemnisingthemarriage. ThisNoticeistheprescribed orm orthispurpose. •TheauthorisedcelebranttowhomtheNoticeisgivensendsthe...
same-sex marriage, divorce, separation, dissolution, DOMA, Defense of Marriage Act, D.O.M.A., fundamental rightsFor as long as marriage has existed in the United States, divorce has been its necessary opposite. So strong is the need for divorce that the Supreme Court has suggested it ...
Further, the legal age at marriage for women and men was set to 14 and 18 years in 1929 as defined by the child marriage restraint act which was popular as Sarda Act. Afterward, the age at marriage for females was amended in the year 1949 and 1978 and the legal age at marriage was ...
Concept of caste is against social justice and equity. Unfortunately, caste is an integral component of Indian society. Marriage within the caste is the general norm of Indian society. However, the process of modernization, democratization and ...
Christians are called upon to spiritualize their bodily life, which means to act in terms of moral and other ideals. Thus there is a further meaning of freedom, namely, the difference between spiritual bondage and spiritual liberty. As spiritual beings, persons in the image of God are ...
Public health consequences of the defense of marriage act for lesbian and bisexual women: Suicidality, behavioral difficulties, and psychiatric treatment. Feminism and Psychology 2004; 14(1):187-194.Mathy, R. M., & Lehmann, B. A. (2004). Public health consequences of the Defense of Marriage...
The Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 British Journal of Midwifery Vol 18, No 2Richard Griffith