Who’s Who 英文直译就是“谁是谁”,以它作为一种”参考出版物“的标题,囊括众多特定的、符合条件的个人传记信息,并没有那么神秘。因此,它并未打出“精英文化”的旗号,这也是基于其发展战略的考虑。更重要的是个人传记文化是美国社会“个人本位”精神的重要体现。无数名人的个人传记,构画出了一幅美国和世界各国...
Marquis Who’s Who (MWW), the world’s leading biographical publisher, has released its annual list of America’s Most Influential People for the 2020 year. The 120-year-old biographical publisher recognizes leaders and pioneers who shaped a challenging year. Headed by MWW CEO Erica Lee, a s...
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With Marquis Who’s Who, professionals from countless global industries benefit from quality branding, biographical and promotional products, and services.
恭喜郑院长,登载世界名人录Marquis Who's Who in the World,成为2018-2019的医学领域名医。郑志雄代表院长入选2018-2019年度的美国《Marquis Who's Who in the World马奎斯世界名人录》 Marquis Who's Who创立于1899年, 是目前世界公认排名第一的名人录, 收藏于世界各大图书馆内。dacapo始终会以不变的初心,来...
纽约州米尼奥拉市,2023 年 3 月 21 日 陈叶萌博士入选 Marquis Who's Who。与所有 Marquis Who's Who 传记卷一样,个人简介是根据当前参考价值选择的。在选择过程中,诸如职位、显著成就、知名度和领域知名度等因素都会被考虑在内。 陈博士是一位受人尊敬的中医、注册针灸师、教育家和行政人员,自 2006 年起担...
1958 - Recognizing Women's AchievementsAs women rise to positions of leadership in the workforce, Marquis Who’s Who responds...Read more » 1995 - Who's Who in America's Golden YearMarquis Who’s Who celebrates its 50thAnniversary with the ...Read more » ...
Marquis Who's Who Publications inclusion in which is limited to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their own fields of endeavor and who have, thereby, contributed significantly to contemporary society Gina Quartermaine Occupation:poet, playwright ...
About Marquis Who’s Who®: Since 1899, when A. N. Marquis printed the First Edition of Who’s Who in America®, Marquis Who’s Who®has chronicled the lives of the most accomplished individuals and innovators from every significant field of endeavor, including...
17. Mussina, who was honored at last night's Thurman Munson Awards dinner at the Marriott Marquis, said that Pavano, who hasn't pitched in a big-league game since June 27, 2005, can salvage his relationship with his teammates by simply being in the clubhouse and taking the mound every...