Set the initial delay time in seconds with the set_delay_start field of the adjust_config instance:config->set_delay_start(5.5);In this case this will make the Adjust SDK not send the initial install session and any event created for 5.5 seconds. After this time is expired or if you ...
Yuzu Kokuto Marmalade on Bread with Plenty of Butter How did it taste? First off, my marmalade didn’t quite ‘set’, at least I think it didn’t. But I had cooked it down enough to be thick. As I had put a good deal of citrus juice that I juiced from old citrus in the refri...
Unlike most on the political left today, those prior rabblerousers did not pull their punches. Nor did they back away from the powerful who accused them of impossible utopianism. Everything is impossible until it happens, and then it’s reality, the reality we create. Everything about modernit...
a set of jar lifting tongs doesn’t cost much and makes that step easier. A wide mouthed funnel is nice since it keeps stuff of the rims of the jars, but is also not necessary, especially if you get wide mouthed jars.
Further the marmalade didn’t set. I guess that might be because I didn’t boil it for long enough. There was not much in the pot and I was worried that the mixture might burn in the pot! A lot of work for 2 glasses! Where did I go wrong? Reply eat, little bird 23 September...
Hello, I doubled this recipe since I had so many kumquats, but it is not gelling. Is there anything I can do to help? Janette — @ Reply Did you allow the marmalade to set in the jars for 24-48 hours? If so, you can return it back to a pan, reheat back to a boil and ...
briefly wondering if the chef had snuck in some sichuan peppercorns. The bread was also quite good, lightly toasted, and while the two slices included did not provide quite enough real estate for all that pâté, I was happy enough to go after it with a spoon once the bread was ...
Fathers did not unanimously witness, and which some eminent Saints had almost in set terms opposed, which the whole East refused as a symbol, not once, but twice, patriarch by patriarch, metropolitan by metropolitan, first by the mouth of above a hundred, then by the mouth of above six hu...
You’re essentially playing two very distinct characters. Did you start with the prison guy and then build the FBI guy out of that, or did you start with the FBI guy and build backwards to who he could be in prison? HODGE: You start with the FBI guy and build backwards because he is...
I followed these directions to the tea spoon, but the mix did not jell. I used a candy thermometer, and boiled the liquid after first soaking it all night, and simmering it for two hours the next day, All that work for an orange syrup was not what I’d hoped for. In the end- in...