-- HunterMarksmanship.lua -- October 2022 if UnitClassBase( "player" ) ~= "HUNTER" then return end local addon, ns = ... local Hekili = _G[ addon ] local class, state = Hekili.Class, Hekili.State local spec = Hekili:NewSpecialization( 254, true ) spec:RegisterResource( ...
This round of PvP tuning aims to reduce Hunter's survivability. The nerf to Survival Tactics particularly will make it so that you are less likely to survive a stun using only a pre- Feign Death. The survivability bonus from Dark Ranger has also been reduced by both the nerf to this tale...
Best in Slot Gear Guide for Marksmanship Hunter Welcome to our Gear and BiS Page for Marksmanship Hunter for The War Within Season 2. Check this page to learn everything you need to know about gearing a Marksmanship Hunter, including the BiS Gear from all sources, Raiding, and Mythic+, inf...
Dragonflight APLs Classes.lua DeathKnightBlood.lua DeathKnightFrost.lua DeathKnightUnholy.lua DemonHunterHavoc.lua DemonHunterVengeance.lua DruidBalance.lua DruidFeral.lua DruidGuardian.lua DruidRestoration.lua EvokerDevastation.lua EvokerPreservation.lua HunterBeastMastery.lua HunterMarksmanship.lu...