马氏规则(Markovnikov's Rule)反应机理链接: http://chem.kingdraw.cn/Shortlink?id=20210326223000马尔科夫尼科夫规则(Markovnikov规则),又称马氏规则,是有机化学中一个基于扎伊采夫规则的区域选择性…
1.Markovnikov's rule is contrary to anti-Markovnikov's rule in surface,but both of them have the inherent unity.马氏规则和反马氏规则表面相反,但两者有内在的统一性。 2.Based on electron-effect and reaction mechanism,this article discusses Markovnikov's rule,lists several conditions anti-Markovnikov...
the empirical rule that when an alkene combines with a hydrogen halide, the halogen atom becomes attached to the double-bonded carbon atom connected to the least number of hydrogen atoms 例句 释义: 全部,马尔科夫尼科夫规则,马氏规则,马尔科夫尼可夫规则 更多例句筛选 1. Markovnikov's rule is contrary to...
Markovnikov’s rule is a rule that can be used to predict the outcomes of some addition reactions. Learn about Markovnikov’s rule with examples of Markovnikov and anti-Markovnikov reactions
In the absence of these catalysts, Markovnikov's Rule remains valid. In conclusion, the Antimarkovnikov Rule challenges the conventional wisdom of Markovnikov's Rule and provides a unique pathway for addition reactions. Through the presence of specific catalysts, such as peroxides, the Antimarkovnikov...
Markovnikov's ruleAnnalen Der Pharmacie
The meaning of MARKOVNIKOV RULE is a statement in chemistry: in the addition of compounds to olefins the negative portion of the compound added (as the bromine in hydrogen bromide) becomes attached to the least hydrogenated end of the carbon-carbon doubl
Markovnikovrule 有机反应中的一条规律。1870年由 B.B.马尔科夫尼科夫发现。马氏规则规定:在烯烃的亲电加成反应中,加成试剂的正性基团将加到烯烃双键 ( 或叁键)带取代基较少 (或含氢较多 )的碳原子上 。它阐明了在加成试剂与烯烃发生反应中,如可能产生两种异构体时,为何往往只产生其中的一种。例如,在卤化氢对...