Markov Model in Health Economics Evaluation Wang Qian , Ji n Pi huan , Center of Cli nical Epi demiology , S hanghai Medical Uni versity (200040) , S hanghai 【Abstract】 Objective To give a comprehensive description of Markov modeling for healt h economic evaluation. Methods A example of ...
Objectives: This article describes the framework of a comprehensive European model developed to assess clinical and economic outcomes of cardiac resynchro... Kurt Banz MSc,on behalf of the Eucomed CRT Steering Committee - 《Value in Health》 被引量: 178发表: 2005年 加载更多研究...
展开更多 Objective The paper describes the basic idea of health economics evaluation of HIV/AIDS interven- tions by using Markov model. The cost-effective analysis of different interventions in HIV/AIDS was evaluated through building different AIDS states, to identify the transf...MORE 作者 辛...
health economicsObjectives:Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric disorder and knowledge about the cost-effectiveness of potential interventions is limited. The aim of this paper is to introduce the Methods:AnoMod-TI is a state-transition cohort simulation (Markov) model developed from a ...
Abstract : Objective To evaluate the health economics of low -dose spiral CT (LDCT ) screening of pulmonary nod⁃ ules based on Markov model. Methods Based on the LDCT screening data of pulmonary nodules from a Beijing three -A Hospital from 2021 to 2023 and some foreign clinical...
A model of the accept/reject decision Despite the scarcity of transplantable organs, 45% of livers are rejected by the first surgeon to whom they are offered. I present a model in which a surge... DH Howard - 《Journal of Health Economics》 被引量: 96发表: 2002年 加载更多...
TheApplication ofM arkov Modelin Health Field //YI 1.2 在疾病预测中应用的基本原理 .LIU Ai.zhong.ZHANGYan Markov模型在疾病预测中的原理是将所研究 Keywords:Markovmodel;clinicaldecisionmaking First-author’Saddress: NingboZhenghaiInstituteofHealth 疾病的发病率划分为若干状态.按观察时间间隔将 ...
Markovmodel LUOXia,PENGLiu-bao,WANXiao-min,CUIWei,TANChong-qing,AOJun-hua (DepartmentofPhrmcy,theSecondXingyHospitlofCentrl outhUniversity,ChngshHU-NA 410011,Chin) [KEYWORDS]models,statistical;economics,pharmaceutical;probability;sensitivityanalysis ...
Log in Find a journal Publish with us Track your research Search Cart Home Applied Health Economics and Health Policy Article Deterministic and Probabilistic Analysis of a Simple Markov Model: How Different Could They Be?Research Letter Open access Published: 20 January 2022 ...
Abstract: The Markov model was used in the medicinal field in the 1980s. It has become one of the most commonly used method in pharmaco-economics and it also has broad prospects. The use of Markov model in pharmaco-economics in China started later than aboard. However, the pace of ...