1.a mark or series of marks 2.(Biology) the arrangement of colours on an animal, plant, etc 3.(Education) assessment and correction of school children's or students' written work by teaching staff Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publi...
Mark stamper for introduction of e.g. markings on inside of mold during manufacturing casting product, has marking ring comprising markings that are castable on annular surface and opposite annular surface resting on spring elementThe stamper has a screw thread (24) radically incised into an inner...
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Junctions can also be marked with curve lines, like on a mini-roundabout. The broken line means you should give way to your right. Warning signs Warning signs are mostly a red triangle with words and/or images inside. They show you are approaching hazards such as the road narrowing, a lo...
What do those barely discernible numbers inside a ring or on the back of a charm mean? The value of jewelry made from precious metals is determined by the purity of the gold, silver, or platinum it contains. The number found on jewelry is a karat hallmark and tells you how much of a...
you know thanks a your cool blog where i can find everything that i need.For more info please log on to http://www.whitefleur.co.uk Pegge December 20, 2011 at 1:34 am: Reply I have a men's somewhat heavy gold ring with a diamond in it. The only marking inside it is 1152. ...
8. The method according to claim 7 wherein said machining is performed with a cutting tool held in a machine tool setup, and said inking comprises inserting inside the cavity a marking nib held in said machine tool setup, said nib being adapted for applying an ink line on a surface, alig...
6 simply follow a downward direction and are not, or are almost not, reflected inside the bulk 35 of the lens. It will also be noted that the configuration of the lighting strips 15 relative to the ophthalmic lens 2 allows the latter to be illuminated with light at a shallow angle. As...