If you're on a computer or laptop,go to your Facebook Homepage. You'll easily see a tab labeled Marketplace. From there, you can search for a category, specific product, or any seller near your location. Take note that this will require Facebook to use your location based on your IP...
步驟1. 從瀏覽器造訪 facebook.com 並使用您的 Facebook 帳號登入。步驟2. 按一下左側面板上的“市場”,然後選擇“過濾器”部分中顯示的目前位置。然後,將出現“更改位置”視窗。步驟3. 輸入郵遞區號或城市和州的組合作為您的新位置。當地圖更新時,將半徑設定為圍繞新位置的區域,然後等待地圖更新並反映您的新...
Marketplace is a convenient destination on Facebook to discover, buy and sell items with people in your community. Some of the top features or benefits of Facebook Marketplace are: Widespread Reach, Ease of Use, Local Focus, No Listing Fees, and Integrated with Facebook. You can visit the...
That's how to change location on Facebook Marketplace. As you can see, many options can help you achieve the goal. But, if you are looking for a reliable, secure, and flexible way, don't hesitate to selectFacebook Location Changer. With this app, everything becomes simple, and you do...
Facebook Marketplace is free to use, and sellers can post items for sale with just a few clicks. It’s a great way to declutter your home, find unique items, and support local businesses and individuals in your community Unfortunately, you cannot buy on Facebook Marketplace if you don’...
The first way to change Facebook marketplace settings to local is through the categories. Given below are the steps to do so: Open theFacebookapp on your phone. Tap on the profile icon at the top right corner. Here, tap on theMarketplaceoption. ...
On the mobile Facebook app, you have a bit more controls when it comes to viewing only local listings. First off, make sure your location is correct. Reset Your Location Before you try this, check whether Location access is enabled on your phone. On Android, bring up theQuick Settingspane...
Marketplace is launching today in the US, UK, Australia, and New Zealand on mobile, and could roll out globally and on desktop if the service proves successful. For Facebook, the new Marketplace feature is less of a new service and more of an improvement of a pre-existing one. Some 45...
Facebook Marketplace mostly deals in local sales of one-off items, so we don’t have a ton of helpful data on what sells and what doesn’t. But that doesn’t mean we have to guess as to what will sell — we can just look to see what works on other marketplaces like eBay and ...
据路透,Meta 周三表示,将在德国、法国和美国推出一项测试,让买家可以在 Facebook Marketplace 上浏览 eBay 上的商品,然后在 eBay 上完成交易。 去年11 月,欧盟委员会对 Meta 处以 8.4 亿美元的罚款,原因是公司的滥用 ( 市场地位 ) 行为使 Facebook Marketplace 受益。Meta 表示,公司仍在就欧盟委员会对 Face...