🇺🇸 Birmingham, AL 11k 🇺🇸 Bismarck, ND 10k 🇺🇸 Boca Raton, FL 12k 🇺🇸 Boston, MA 23k 🇺🇸 Bradenton, FL 15k 🇺🇸 Brooklyn, NY 34k 🇺🇸 Cadillac, MI 12k 🇨🇦 Calgary, AB 14k 🇺🇸 Charlotte, NC 34k 🇺🇸 Chattanooga, TN 10k 🇺...
Major contracts signed in 2011 for Spydus include the London Borough of Camden, joining the South East Library Consortium, the largest UK library consortium, Birmingham City Library, the Tainan City Municipal Library in Taiwan. The Ministry of Education in Singapore, encompassing 354 schools already ...
Biblionix migrated several libraries running Koha to its hosted Apollo ILS. The Geauga County Public Library, OH, contracted with Innovative to move from a Koha ILS to Sierra. Book Systems reported that among its new customers are libraries using...
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