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是否需要GMAT/GRE: Required,建议GMAT740+,GRE325+ 5.范德堡大学Marketing 市场营销硕士 学制:10个月 总学分:31个学分 是否STEM:否 学院: Owen Graduate School of Management 是否有分支:无 项目特色: 课程全面,包括MBA级别的课程,可根据具体职业目标定制课程。在10个月内,你将通过在营销、广告和促销、销售、消...
通常所说的全美最牛的Mkt项目是西北大学开设在Kellogg学院下的MBA和PhD项目,而它的MS Marketing则是开设...
Promote your recruiting events and scholarship deadlines online. Prospective students can search by location, date, and/or school name on mba.com. This free service is designed for graduate management education institutions that have qualified as GMAT® recipients and approved third-party event manage...
Test Scores See what it takes to get into your dream school. We have LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, and GRE average scores for business, law, medicine, engineering, and education programs. Financial Aid Find out the average grants, scholarships, student debt, fellowship and research appointments. ...
第二个肯定不考虑,但是学MBA我又有顾虑。其他商学院的课程大多数都是Msc,就这个是MBA,会... 分享653 英语口语吧 moumoumou38 【口语大赛】I might be killed onceSo I came up with a marketing strategy. I prepared a resume by myself, starting with “Dear Parents, I am a famous student teacher ...