² strategic brand management 战略品牌管理:设计和执行营销活动和计划,用以建立、管理和评估品牌。 ² strategic business unit 战略业务单元:一项独立业务或相关业务的集合体,在计划工作时能与公司其他业务分开而单独作业,它有自己的竞争者,并且有一位管理者,负责战略计划、利润业绩。 ² strategic targeting 战略...
3) 建立战略业务单元(strategic business unit,SBU) A. 战略业务单元具有三个特征:它是可以与公司其他业务分离的一项单一业务或一组相关业务的集合;它有自己的竞争者;它有负责战略计划和利润绩效的管理者,它们控制着大部分影响利润的因素。 B. 许多大公司管理着一系列不同的业务,每个业务单元都需要自己的战略。战略...
MARKETING MANAGEMENT MARKETING MANAGEMENT MMAARRKKEETTIINNGG MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT College of Economics Trade, NAU Xiangyang Chang Sep. 2004 Structure of the textbook Structure of the textbook Part 1 understanding marketing management Part 2 analyzing marketing opportunities Part 3 developing marketing ...
Marketing management英文电子书.pdf,ROAD MAP: Previewing the Concepts • Define marketing and outline the steps in the marketing • Define marketing and outline the steps in the marketing process. 1 process. • Explain the importance of understandin
MARKETING MANAGEMENT【营销管理英文课件】.ppt,CASE BACK Door Guard 思考练习 1、需要、欲望和需求的涵义有什么区别和联系? .2、顾客价值包括哪些内容? 顾客成本由什么构成?什么叫顾客满意? 3、为什么说营销管理的目的是建立可获利的顾客关系? 4、市场营销观念的实质
unit2.2.12managing stress part3 164 2017-08 7 unit 2 2.12managing stress part 2 165 2017-08 8 unit 2 2.12 managing stress part 1 173 2017-08 9 unit2 2.11 followup questions 361 2017-05 10 unit 2 2.11 time management part3 204 ...
The heart of annual-plan con- trol is the four-step management by objectives process in which management (1) sets monthly or quarterly goals; (2) monitors the company's marketplace performance; (3) determines the causes of serious performance deviations; and (4) takes corrective action to ...
FTE allocation Interface with WWT to gain support on relevant TA brShared Accountability Develop TA life cycle management strategy with CTAL WWT Develop effective structure with CTAL BU Head. Develop MKT team competency with CTALGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Marketing Direct/Business Unit Leads Global Cross...
1、Marketingstrategymanagement Theconceptofstrategy IgoransoffThestrategyisthemainoperatinglinewhichrunthroughtheproductandmarketmanagementofanenterprise.Consistsofthesefourelements:1.productandmarketscope;2.thecompetitiveadvantage;3.thesynergisticeffect;4.thegrowthdirection.Thus:strategyistheoverall...