Digitale marketing, ook wel online marketing genoemd, is een methode om uw merken, producten of services te promoten via online kanalen zoals zoekmachines, websites, social media, e-mails, webinars en mobiele apps. Simpel gezegd is digitale marketing elke marketingactiviteit waarbij u elektronisch...
One of the best digital marketing agency in jaipur. We provide premium service in web design, digital marketing and brand management in affordabele price.
digital marketing指的是数字营销这一职业,它现在已经取代了传统的营销方式,成为了覆盖面积较大的一种宣传模式,主要是利用数字传播这种渠道来推销产品,比一般的营销方式更加节省成本,但是要求市场投入比较大。随着互联网的发展,越来越多的新兴职业出现在我们的面前,digital marketing就是其中之一,它指的...
注释:Ad Exchange:互联网广告交易平台;DSP:数字信号处理(Digital Signal Processing,简称DSP);DMP:...
E-marketing definition: the practice of marketing by means of the internet. See examples of E-MARKETING used in a sentence.
Le marketing digital,également appelé marketing numérique ou e-marketing, désigne l'ensemble des techniques marketing utilisant les canaux digitaux pour promouvoir une marque, un produit ou un service. Il représente aujourd'hui un levier incontournable pour développer son business et acquérir ...
如今由于现在几乎所有的营销活动都在网上进行,大家几乎很难区分被广泛使用的各种类型的数字营销。那么电子商务(E-Commerce)营销到底是什么,它与社交媒体,内容,搜索引擎和电子邮件营销等相比又有什么区别? 其实,电子商务营销和数字营销并不是相互排斥的。电子商务网站可以使用上述所有数字渠道来宣传产品并发展业务。那今天...
“When I first started using this company I was skeptical, because our marketing has always been in-house, but they really helped improve the number of clients who were coming through our doors.” Mark Johnson Halftone Dot “Don’t assume you can do it all on your own! I did, and it...
Digital marketing is a means of promoting and selling products and services through the internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, display advertising, and other channels.
数字营销 (Digital Marketing) 是使用数字传播渠道来推广产品和服务的实践活动,从而以一种及时,相关,定制化和节省成本的方式与消费者进行沟通;传统marketing主要偏重于传统的传播渠道,线下活动传播以及传统媒体,digital marketing主要指通过网络的传播渠道进行一些列传播活动。市场营销是在创造、沟通、传播和...