Having the best social media marketing examples in your idea vault is an excellent way to develop new ideas for your next campaign. You can always blend two ideas together to create a new strategy or steal a campaign recipe from a brand in another industry. Not to mention, studying successfu...
Social media calendars, content calendars, and event calendars are also examples of types of marketing calendars. At its core, a marketing calendar is pretty simple. It’s just a schedule of your team’s upcoming marketing activities and important dates. Think of it like a vacation itinerary ...
2. Social media calendar template Make a copy Included elements: Date Platform(s) Content type Concept Publish time Hashtags Notes This calendar caters specifically to content created for social media. The difference here is that it tracks the different platforms that content is intended for, as ...
Implement a strategic email marketing calendar to boost engagement with your target audience and enhance your marketing team's performance.
Plan your marketing strategy with these free marketing calendar templates, available for download in Excel, Word, and Google Docs formats.
Common Hashtags: To highlight the value your social media updates regularly offer. The Twitter calendar has some good examples of these It’s also helpful to definebrand tone-of-voice guidelines – see examplesfor consistent communications, particularly where different people are running social media...
Pieces that are easy to create can keep yoursocial media calendarfull while you build out more elaborate assets, such as a promotional video or ablog post. “For a content plan, we try to focus on both timeliness and value for our customers and followers,” says Alex. “One core value ...
Get your Free Social Media Calendar Excel Template What are the key elements of a content calendar? A typical content calendar comprises some key elements. Flexible views:supporting visualization from a yearly overview to a daily content schedule — yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily vie...
Marketing Calendar The only social media calendar you need We created this marketing calendar to help every marketer out there smartly plan their activities for the whole year. Everyone who is somehow involved in planning and implementation of a marketing strategy – this calendar is for you!
Discover creative ideas for your social media calendar. Explore a variety of video templates to streamline your digital marketing.