在会计领域,"Fair Value"与"Market Value"指的是在特定日期,通过有序交易,市场参与者之间出售资产或转移负债所收到或支付的价格。美国通用会计准则(GAAP)下定义为,资产或负债的公允价值为在资产负债表日或非资产负债表日发生的有序交易中,预期收到的资产价格或支付的负债金额。企业会计准则第39号...
Fair market value is determined based on the expected price in an open and unrestricted market. This standard isn’t the same as “strategic” or “investment” value, which refers to a business’s perceived value to aspecificinvestor. Under Rev. Rul. 59-60, a valuation expert considers eig...
What i understand is that fair value is actually the market value but it could be different because it is price agreed between the seller and buyer and either the buyer negotiated the price which means it is going to be lower than the market value or seller has convinced the buyer to pay...
book value是资产净值,资产净值是由资产原始价值减去各自的备抵账户余额计算所得。同时,各资产净值共同...
Another major and key difference between Fair Value vs Market Value is that the fair value of an asset will always be adjusted for an impairment (when the value goes down) which is due on the asset. An asset’s intrinsic or true value can be derived using the same method, while the m...
Define fair market value. fair market value synonyms, fair market value pronunciation, fair market value translation, English dictionary definition of fair market value. n. The price, as of a commodity or service, at which both buyers and sellers agree t
book value是资产净值,资产净值是由资产原始价值减去各自的备抵账户余额计算所得。同时,各资产净值共同...