batch pricing 整批定价法 相似单词 pricing adj. 价格的 penetration n.[U] 1.穿透,渗透,进入 2.(男人阴茎的)插入 market n. 1.[C]集市; 市场 2.[C]某种货物的交易情况; 行情 3.[sing,U]需求 4.[C]行销地区; 市场 5.[the market][sing]买者与卖者; 市场 v. under pricing 【经】 定价...
市场渗透定价策略是以一个较低的产品价格打入市场,目的是在短期内加速市场成长,牺牲高毛利以期获得较高的销售量及市场占有率,进而产生显著的成本经济效益,使成本和价格得以不断降低。渗透价格并不意味着绝对的便宜,而是相对于价值来讲比较低。 市场渗透定价法成功的条件 1、 有足够大的市场需求 2、 消费者对价格高...
必应词典为您提供market-penetration-pricing的释义,un. 渗入市场的定价; 网络释义: 市场渗透定价法;渗透定价策略;市场渗透订价法;
Market Penetration Pricing What it is:A strategy often used when introducing new products to the market or when trying to gain significant market share. The concept is that the new low, 'introductory' price will entice customers to buy. Prices are low to attract attention and buyers. ...
欧路词典 Market Penetration Pricing 生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 词组搭配 英语例句库 用户正在搜索 Geraint,Gerald,Gerald Ford,Geraldine,gerallol,geramine,geramorphism,geranene,geraniaceae,geraniaceous, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a, 历史记录 生词本...
渗透定价(penetration price)是在产品进入市场初期时将其价格定在较低水平,尽可能吸引至多的消费者的营销策略。适用于价格比较敏感的商品,低价可以刺激市场迅速增长,从而能迅速占领市场,并借助大批量销售来降低成本,获得长期稳定的市场地位;阻止了竞争者进入,可增强企业的市场竞争能力。
Chapter5Pricingdecisions 解析 Penetration pricing involves setting a low price when a product is first launched in order to obtain strong demand. It is particularly useful if significant economies of scale can be achieved from a high volume of output and if demand is highly elastic and so would...
Which of the following methods are the demand oriented pricing A. 经验曲线定价法 Experience curve pricing B. 市场撇脂定价法 Market-skimming pricing C. 市场渗透定价法 Market penetration pricing 点击查看答案手机看题 你可能感兴趣的试题 多项选择题 根据国标要求,放射源屏蔽离墙外表面外1m处产生的有...
In order for market-penetration pricing to work, which of the following market conditions must be met?A.The market must not be price sensitive.B.Production and distribution costs must stay the same as volume increases.C.The market must be highly price se