MarketLiquidityandFundingLiquidity MarkusK.Brunnermeier PrincetonUniversity LasseHejePedersen NewYorkUniversity Weprovideamodelthatlinksanasset’smarketliquidity(i.e.,theeasewithwhichitis traded)andtraders’fundingliquidity(i.e.,theeasewithwhichtheycanobtainfunding). Tradersprovidemarketliquidity,andtheirabilitytodo...
A.The use of a purchased asset as collateral to borrow money against is referred to as market liquidity.B.A decline in a source of funding has the same effect as a decrease in margin.C.A loss spiral is a negative function of market liquidity.D.In a margin spiral, a trader initiates ...
We provide a model that links a security's market liquidity — i.e., the ease of trading it — and traders' funding liquidity — i.e., their availability of funds. Traders provide market liquidity and their ability to do so depends on their funding, that is, their capital and the marg...
Funding risk (statement III) and trading-related risk (statement I) are two types of liquidity risk. 第2 题 平均正确率 :0% 您的答案:未作答 正确答案:D 解析: Asset liquidity risk is a function of the size of the position and the intrinsic liquidity of the instrument. Distressed securities...
Market Liquidity and Funding Liquidity Market Liquidity and Funding Liquidity∗ Markus K.Brunnermeier†Princeton University Lasse Heje Pedersen‡New York University β-Revision:August2006 Abstract We provide a model that links a assets’market liquidity—i.e.,the ease of trading it—and traders’...
市场流动性(Market Liquidity) 主要用在证券交易语境下,流动性通常指以接近共识价值(consensus value)的价格快速交易证券的能力。市场流动性即本书所主要讨论的流动性。 资金流动性(Funding Liquidity) 在银行或公司的语境下,流动性通常指拥有足够现金,或有能力以较低成本、较低风险获得信贷资金。 资金流动性与市场流动...
17.9 Direct and Indirect Finance-Banking Evolution Loan-based Credit to Market-b MacroAllocation 4 0 05:35 18.7 Forwards and Futures-Cash and Carry Arbitrage, Explained as Liquidity Risk MacroAllocation 1 0 15:12 20.9 Credit Default Swaps-Example Private backstop of Marketmaking in CDS Macr...
“Market liquidity and funding liquidity.” Rev. Financ. Stud., 22 (6) (2009), pp. 2201-2238 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Choi and Sias, 2009 N. Choi, R.W. Sias “Institutional industry herding.” J. Financ. Econ., 94 (3) (2009), pp. 469-491 View PDFView articleView ...
【Vol.6】FRM-Market and Funding Liquidity 2017-04-08 08:04:1442:49 7839 所属专辑:【李斯克FM42.5】闭着眼睛学FRM 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 (已更新)前面的热点内容请移动微信公众号:CFAPASS 收听 出于前面的内容涉及(BI)( TE )(BI)被移走,虽然我们是从风险管理的角度讲解的。 FM12期更新完成,现推出,...
Further analysis reveals that the positive relationship betweeri funding liquidity and market liquidity in the options market is mainly driven by short-term and deep out-of the-money options Our results remain robust after controlling or the confounding of the equity market and different data, frequ...