the market for lemons解读the market for lemons解读 柠檬市场(The Market for Lemons)是一个经济学概念,它指的是信息不对称的市场,即买卖双方对商品或服务的真实信息了解程度不同。柠檬市场中的买家通常对商品或服务的质量不确定,因此他们可能会根据平均质量来决定价格,从而使得高质量的产品或服务因为价格过高而难以...
柠檬市场(The Market for Lemons),"柠檬"在美国俚语中表示“次品”或“不中用的东西”,所以柠檬市场也称次品市场,也称阿克洛夫模型。是指信息不对称的市场,即在市场中,产品的卖方对产品的质量拥有比买方更多的信息。在极端情况下,市场会止步萎缩和不存在,这就是信息经济学中的逆向选择。柠檬市场效应则是指在信息...|基于6个网页 2. 次品市场 这方面为人所熟知的案例便是阿克罗夫(Akerlof)所讨论的“次品市场”(market for lemons)。 在国际政治经济体系中,国家基于 …|基于5个网页 例句
Akerlof 1970: “The Market for Lemons: Quality, Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism” Akerlof investigates the effect of asymmetric information on the market equilibrium, based on the example of the used cars market. Assumptions: Used cars can either be of a good quality (“plums”), or they...
柠檬市场(The Market for Lemons),"柠檬"在美国俚语中表示“次品”或“不中用的东西”,所以柠檬市场也称次品市场,也称阿克洛夫模型。是指信息不对称的市场,即在市场中,产品的卖方对产品的质量拥有比买方更多的信息。在极端情况下,市场会止步萎缩和不存在,这就是信息经济学中的逆向选择。柠檬市场效应则是指在信息...
Quarterly Journal of Economics(1970), pp. 488–500. The author would especially like to thank Thomas Rothenberg for invaluable comments and inspiration. In addition he is indebted to Roy Radner, Albert Fishlow, Bernard Saffran, William D. Nordhaus, Giorgio La Malfa, Charles C. Holt, John Let...
In MobLab's Two-Sided Market game, students are randomly matched to buy or sell in an adverse selection. Ideal for microconomics and managerial economics.
Gresham'slaw has made a modified reappearance.For most carstraded will be the "lemons,"and good cars may not be traded at all. The "bad" cars tend to drive out the good (in much the 490 JOURNALOF ECONOMICS QUARTERLY same way that bad money drives out the good). But the analogy with...
The Market for "Lemons": Quality Uncertainty and the Market MechanismGeorge A. AkerlofThe Quarterly Journal ofEconomics, Vol. 84, No. 3. (Aug., 1970), pp. 488-500.Stable URL: Quarterly...
“柠檬 ”市场:质量的不确定性一起市场机制。sorry mam, its my first time to hear that the market for lemon.