open-market in the Economics topic by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE | What you need to know about Economics: words, phrases and expressions | Economics
Define Market (economics). Market (economics) synonyms, Market (economics) pronunciation, Market (economics) translation, English dictionary definition of Market (economics). n. 1. a. A public gathering held for buying and selling goods or services: a we
Definition of Market (economics) in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Market (economics)? Meaning of Market (economics) as a legal term. What does Market (economics) mean in law?
Beyond this broad definition, there are many types of markets, depending on what is being sold. For instance, it may refer to the stock market, which is the place where securities are traded. It may also describe a collection of people who wish to buy a specific product or service in a...
market-driven in Economics topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishˈmarket-ˌdriven adjective market-driven activities, products, developments etc are a result of public demand for a particular product, service, or skill a market-driven economyExamples from the Corpus...
Bull market definition It is usually considered to be a bull market when a major market index, such as the S&P 500, has risen by 20% or more over a two-month period. [1] That being said, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission vaguely defines a bull market as "a time when ...
Market definition refers to the process of determining the boundaries within which competition occurs for goods or services.
Define Free market economics. Free market economics synonyms, Free market economics pronunciation, Free market economics translation, English dictionary definition of Free market economics. n. An economic market in which supply and demand are not regulat
Definition A market economy is an economic system in which the production and allocation of goods and services are driven by supply and demand in a competitive market. The government’s role is limited, with minimal interference in economic activities. Private Ownership In a market economy, most ...
Define Free market (Economics). Free market (Economics) synonyms, Free market (Economics) pronunciation, Free market (Economics) translation, English dictionary definition of Free market (Economics). n. An economic market in which supply and demand are n