The S&P 500 has a market capitalization of $49.964 trillion dollars. The total market cap is calculated by summing the market capitalization of every company in the index. Each company's calculated market cap is based on the outstanding float share count. The float share count can be less tha...
Summary / conclusion: Microsoft has returned to juggernaut status as it has regained the #1 market cap position in the SP 500 after it spent 16 years trading below its January, 2000 high of $53.81. Microsoft has been clients #1 position since 2013 – 2014 when Satya Nadella was named CEO ...
The S&P 500 index is a market capitalization-weighted index, meaning that companies with a larger market cap have a more significant influence on the index's performance. This index is a barometer of the US stock market, offering investors a diversified representation of the largest publicly trade...
S&P MidCap 400 3,194.10 -14.23 -0.44% NYSE Composite Index 20,168.21 50.33 0.25% Barron's 400 Index 1,304.11 0.00 0.00% Cboe Volatility Index 16.02 0.21 1.33% GlobalLastChgChg % Global Dow Realtime USD 5,157.30 5.42 0.11% Asia/PacificLastChgChg % The Asia Dow Index USD 4,163.39 -12....
SP500EW.40 | A complete S&P 500 Equal Weight Index Financials index overview by MarketWatch. View stock market news, stock market data and trading information.
Here is what investor don’t realize: of the 11 sectors of the SP 500, owning the top 6 sectors, including Industrials, but not Staples, gets an investor 80% of the SP 500’s market cap, with the remaining 5 sectors being 20% of the SP 500’s market cap. The op 3 sectors alone...
a mutual fund that is focused solely on Large Cap stocks may for example only be interested in those companies sized $10 billion or larger. Another illustrative example is the S&P MidCap index which essentially takes the S&P 500 index and "tosses out" the biggest 100 companies so as to...
Embracing the Future of Fan Tokens Together: FanMarketCap and Chiliscan Form Strategic Partnership What does the migration of Fan Tokens mean for Chiliz Chain? How Fan Tokens could change the market for collectiblesPrevious slideNext slide Fan Tokens The global fan token market cap today is $220...
$标准普尔500指数(SP500)$$生物科技指数ETF-iShares Nasdaq(IBB)$$Market Vectors Russia Small-Cap ETF(RSXJ)$$奇虎360(QIHU)$$新浪(SINA)$$苹果(AAPL)$ 对于P/E,特别高P/E,向来是仁者见仁智者见智,有人从中看到的是风险,有人从中看到的是未来,不管怎么样,作为一种传统的估值参数,当你手上的股票或者...
The Russell 2000 has bounced 56% since the March bottom, outpacing the S&P 500's 46% run over the same stretch. Todd Gordon, managing director of Ascent Wealth Partners, says two groups have contributed the most to the small-cap rally. The first, financials as measured by the PSCF small...