Market segmentation theory is also known as the segmented markets theory. It is based on the belief that the market for each segment of bondmaturitiesconsists mainly of investors who have a preference for investing in securities with specific durations: short, intermediate, or long-term. Market se...
A Resource‐Based View and Market Orientation Theory Examination of the Role of "Familiness" in Family Business Success E, Green M, Down J (2007) A resource-based view and market orientation theory examination of the role of ``familiness'' in family business success... J Tokarczyk,E Hansen...
Toward a cultural resource-based theory of the customer The dominant logic of marketing is shifting from a firm-centric view of value creation to one that examines how customers engage themselves in the value-creation process (Prahalad and Ramaswamy 2003; Vargo and Lusch 2004). The goal of th...
The Utilization of Resource-Based View Theory on Minimarket Retail: Its Implication toward Strategy and Competitive AdvantageHuman CapitalStructural CapitalRelational CapitalStrategy and Competitive AdvantageThis research aims to examine the influences of human capital toward competitive advantage mediating by ...
Section 2 provides an overview of the market-based reform model. Section 3 discusses the context and drivers of reforms in developing, transition and developed countries. Section 4 presents the country case studies of the reform process, progress and outcomes. Section 5 details the lessons and ...
Theefficient market hypothesisargues that share prices reflect all the information that is available to the market. Based on the theory, since all market participants have access to the same information, outperforming the market through stock selection or market timing is not practical. The efficient...
Culture in global business transformation projects : the discovery of a grounded theory A typology of culture types has been developed which enlarges the view of culture beyond national and organisational culture including an industry culture, professional service firm culture and 'theme' culture. The...
Theory based on Cournot oligopoly predicts that increasing concentration will facilitate monopolistic behaviour. Conversely, if the market for audit services has more in common with a Bertrand oligopoly, concentration may not lead to higher fees. We evaluate whether increased audit supplier concentration ...
Second, we will group events into news classes based on analysts’ forecasts of earnings as a proxy for the market consensus before the event date, and not by the sign of the abnormal returns in the post-event window, as was done by Knight (1991) and Ammann and Kessler (2004). Thus,...
Supply-side economics, also known as "Reaganomics," or "trickle-down economics" is a policy made famous by the 40th U.S. President, Ronald Reagan, based on the theory that more significant tax cuts for investors, corporations, and entrepreneurs provide incentives for investors to supply more ...