Prospectively, only the expression of these marker genes needs to be measured and the expression of genes and/or transcriptional programs can be inferred as needed. During prediction, Tradict uses the observed marker measurements as well as their log-latent mean and covariance learned during ...
4) gusA and celB gene marker technique gusA和celB基因标记方法 5) gusA gene gusA基因 1. ThegusA genewas introduced into 2 peanut bradyrhizobiol strains, Spr3-5 and Spr4-5 respectively by conjugation. 结果表明,gusA基因在2株慢生型花生根瘤菌Spr3-5和Spr4-5中可以有效表达;对出发菌株和标记菌...