THE USE OF SRAP MARKER TO DETECT THE GENETIC STABILITY OF MICROPROPAGATED Magnolia grandiflora Ldoi:10.33899/mja.2024.149496.1428PLANT molecular biologyACCLIMATIZATION (Plants)PEAT mossesGENETIC markersGENETIC polymorphismsThis study was done in Molecular Biology and Plant Tiss...
Collaborator dart-github-bot commented Oct 25, 2024 Summary: The MutatorMarkerRace_DetectInTLAB test, introduced in CL 390263, fails to compile on GCC. The GCC bot reports a compilation error, and the logs provide details of the failure. dart-github-bot added area-vm triage-automation type-...
Toll-like receptor 3 as a new marker to detect high risk early stage Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer patientsFrancesca Bianchi, Massimo Milione, Patrizia Casalini, Giovanni Centonze, Valentino M. Le Noci, Chiara Storti, Spyridon Alexiadis, Mauro Truini, Gabriella Sozzi, Ugo Pastorino, ...
DD3(PCA3), a very sensitive and specific marker to detect prostate tumors We identified DD3(PCA3) as one of the most prostate cancer-specific genes at present (M. J. Bussemakers et al. Cancer Res., 59: 5975-5979, 1999). Consequen... JBD Kok,GW Verhaegh,RW Roelofs,... - 《Cancer...
DD3(PCA3), a very sensitive and specific marker to detect prostate tumors. We identified DD3(PCA3) as one of the most prostate cancer-specific genes at present (M. J. Bussemakers et al. Cancer Res., 59: 5975-5979, 1999). Consequen... de Kok JB; Verhaegh GW; Roelofs RW; Hessels ...
[aruco_detect-1] process has died [pid 4813, exit code -11, cmd /home/projet-d/ROSCube/devel/lib/aruco_detect/aruco_detect /camera_info:=/realsense/camera/color/camera_info /camera:=/realsense/camera/color/image_raw __name:=aruco_detect __log:=/home/projet-d/.ros/log/c9d5a85c-0...
CHEN Tao,et a1.Marker to Detect Genotypes ofRf l a Conferring Fertility Restoration of BT-Type CM S T a bl e 1.N a m e,or ig i n a nd ty p e o f r ice m a te r ia ls u sed . 15 M ateri al name Ori gin T ype M at erial nam e O rigin Type Indic...
A prostate-specific antigen nadir greater than 0.5 ng/mL following radiation and androgen deprivation therapy seems to identify men prior to PSA failure who are at high-risk for death, and would thus require more aggressive treatment for their prostate c
aCD133 and nuclear B-catein:The marker combination to detect high risk cases of low stage colorectal cancer. CD133和核B-catein :查出低阶段colorectal癌症高风险病例的标志组合。[translate] a- Telex Release Cargo Notice -电传机发行货物通知[translate] ...
ERROR OGG-01028 Detect partial pdata at rba xxxxxx without coinciding crash recovery marker recordinlog with seqno=xxxxxx 1 日志报错内容大概为: 错误OGG-01028 在 rba xxxxxx 处检测部分 pdata,而不与 seqno = xxxxxx 的日志中的崩溃恢复标记记录重合 ...