Origin ofmarkedly1 marked(def)+-ly Discover More Example Sentences Prince George’s, like the rest of the region, is seeing a marked uptick in coronavirus cases. FromWashington Post It held about 127 million shares at the end of September, a marked shift for an investment that once ranked ...
occurring less typically than an alternative form, as the word order inDown he fellin contrast to the more usual order ofHe fell down.Cf.unmarked(def. 2). Middle English; Old Englishgemearcod; seemark1, -ed2 mark•ed•ly(mär′kid lē),USA pronunciationadv.mark′ed•ness,n. ...
Drug spending by NZ government up markedly since 1991No Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF03279744Springer International PublishingPharmacoeconomics & Outcomes News
The shedding profile of Marek's disease virus serotype 1 (MDV1, virulent), serotype 2 (MDV2, vaccinal) and herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT, vaccinal) in commercial broiler chickens was determined by measuring the daily rate of production of feather dander from chickens housed in isolators and by ...
Intestinal β-carotene 15,15'-dioxygenase activity is markedly enhanced in copper-defcient rats fed on high-iron diets and fructose[J].The British Journal of Nutrition,2000.117-124.During;A;Fields;M;Lewis;C;G;et;al.Intestinalβ-carotene15,15′-dioxygenase activity is markedly enhanced in ...
o.fThe behtahveioprhsootofdtehgerapdhaotitoondreagtreawdaerteioanlsroactoenwsisetreentawlsoithcothnesimsteeansturwemithentthseofmheyadsruorxeyml reandtiscaol fspheycdiersoxyl radiecsatilmspateecdiebsyetshteimoaxitdedatiboyn tohfemoexthidaantoilotnoofofrmmeatlhdaehnyodl eto, sfhoorwmnalindeFhigyu...