一般比如日本地震了 你可能会看到住在东京的某个同学mark himself safe from the earthquake 赞(2) 回复 阿蕭 (Put myself out there) 2021-06-19 14:50:56 逐渐演变成meme 赞(1) 回复 舒静云 楼主 2021-06-19 18:05:12 是脸书一个功能 可以让受事件影响的区域住户标注自己是否安全 这样主页的...
Cool, but Scald is better than Surf, and if you want Vaporeon to wall anything, it needs Protect somewhere to get safe Wishes. Vaporeon definitely still has 4mss, since it wants to run Ice Beam, Roar, Heal Bell, and Baton Pass in that last slot, no matter how much you boost its De...