markdown-it-inine 用于方便修改 inline tokens 。举个例子,如果我们给所有的链接添加 target="_blank",正常你需要这样写:// Remember old renderer, if overridden, or proxy to default renderervar defaultRender = md.renderer.rules.link_open || function(tokens, idx, options, env, self) { return...
[markdown-it-link-to-card](<br />- [github](@: [bing](@: [知乎 - 发现页](@: [markdown-it-link-to-card](@:
npm install markdown-it-link-preview --save Use const md = require('markdown-it')(); const linkPreview = require('markdown-it-link-preview'); md.use(linkPreview); const result = md.render( '[@preview](', ); result /* <p><div class="link...
link_open || function(tokens, idx, options, env, self) { return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options); }; md.renderer.rules.link_open = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) { // If you are sure other plugins can't add `target` - drop check below var aIndex = tokens[id...
I have noticed, with the upgrade of "markdown-it-link-attributes": "^4.0.0", the anchor tag navigation is no longer working as before, when clicking the anchor the link opens in a new (blank) browser tab instead of navigating through vue...
functionmarkdownItCustomLink(md,options){md.renderer.rules.link_open=function(tokens,idx,options,env,self){consthrefIndex=tokens[idx].attrIndex("href");consthref=tokens[idx].attrs[hrefIndex][1];// const text = tokens[idx + 1].content;// 返回一个自定义组件的标签,其中包含 href 和文本内容...
error('获取css link失败') } head.appendChild(newLink) } 同步滚动 同步滚动是我认为最难搞的一个功能,因为我不想仅仅通过百分比来计算滚动距离,因为这样的话如果编辑区域添加了一堆图片,预览就会有非常大的高度差。我在网上找了许多方案,最后发现markdown-it的官方实现是我能找到并能实现的最佳方案,大致实现...
"content": "video link", } ], "content": "video link"}可以看到 token 是有一个 attr 属性的,表明了要渲染的 img 标签的属性有哪些,token.attrIndex 就是通过名字获取属性索引,然后再通过 token.attrs[aIndex][1]获取具体的属性值。实例四 同样是来自 markdown-it ...
"link_open", function(tokens, idx) { var aIndex = tokens[idx].attrIndex("target"); if (aIndex < 0) { tokens[idx].attrPush(["target", "_blank"]); } else { tokens[idx].attrs[aIndex][1] = "_blank"; } } ); const text = ""; ...
varmd=require('markdown-it')({replaceLink:function(link,env,token,htmlToken){return""+link;}}).use(require('markdown-it-replace-link')); This will result in the link prefixed with the <p><ahref="">Hello</a></p> ...