import katex from 'katex'// Test if potential opening or closing delimieter // Assumes that there is a "$" at state.src[pos] function isValidDelim(state, pos) { var prevChar, nextChar, max = state.posMax, can_open = true, can_close = true;...
⚒️ Mirror & fork of original deprecated markdown-it-katex package in favor of higher KaTeX version support for personal project usages. - markdown-it-katex/index.d.ts at master · lolilab/markdown-it-katex
KaTeX is a faster alternative to MathJax. This plugin makes it easy to support in your markdown.Need convincing?Check out the comparative benchmark: KaTeX vs MathJax Try it in your browser: markdown-it-katex demo UsageInstall markdown-it...
Markdown-it plugin that provides VS Code's KaTeX support. Latest version: 1.1.1, last published: 3 months ago. Start using @vscode/markdown-it-katex in your project by running `npm i @vscode/markdown-it-katex`. There are 6 other projects in the npm regis
markdown-it-katex Add Math to your Markdown KaTeX is a faster alternative to MathJax. This plugin makes it easy to support in your markdown. Need convincing? Check out the comparative benchmark: KaTeX vs MathJax Usage Install markdown-it npm install markdown-it Install the plugin npm ...
.use(require('markdown-it-katex'),{"throwOnError" : false, "errorColor" : " #cc0000"}); //数学语法高亮 $\sqrt{3x-1}+(1+x)^2$ // html 标签美化 mdHtml.renderer.rules.table_open = function () { return '<table class="table table-striped">\n'; }; // 替换 emoji
-'@renbaoshuo/markdown-it-katex' #Otherplugins... ``` If you need to allow spaces before and after delimiters (e.g.$ 1 + 1 = 2 $), set theskipDelimitersCheckoption totrue: ```yaml plugins: -name:'@renbaoshuo/markdown-it-katex' ...
markdown-it-katex markdown-it-task-lists markdown-it-icons markdown-it-highlight markdown-it-latex markdown-it-container markdown-it-github-toc markdown-it-source-map markdown-it-link-attributes 内置插件: markdown-it-image markdown-it-font-awsome markdown-it-link-attributes markdown-it-hi...
markdown-it-katex markdown-it-task-lists markdown-it-icons markdown-it-highlight markdown-it-latex markdown-it-container markdown-it-github-toc markdown-it-source-map markdown-it-link-attributes 内置插件: markdown-it-plugin-echarts