Pereyfin Markdown 公式居左/居右的语法 | 左对齐$$\begin{flalign*}& text \quad your \quad formula \quad here \\& text \quad your \quad formula \quad here \\& C_8^4 = 70. &\end{flalign*}$$右对齐$$\begin{flalign*} && text \quad your \quad formula \quad here \\ && tex...
显示效果markdown公式语法 圆括号(小括号) (ab)(ab) \left( \frac{a}{b} \right) 方括号(中括号) [ab][ab]或者[xy][xy] \left[ \frac{a}{b} \right]或者[ \frac{x}{y} ] 花括号(大括号) {ab}{ab} \lbrace \frac{a}{b} \rbrace 角括号 ⟨ab⟩⟨ab⟩ \left \langle \frac{...
markdown常用数学公式 常用数学公式示例单行 $$ f(x)=x $$ f(x)=xf(x)=x多行 $$ \sum_i^n + \sum_{i=0}^{n} $$ n∑i+n∑i=0∑in+∑i=0n上标下标 $$ x^2 + x_i $$ x2+xix2+xi大括号 $$ \lbrace a+x \rbrace $$ {a+x}{a+x}...
I've also updated my previous post added an alternative flow that converts the Markdown to HTML as an alternative. I've also made a few improvements to the post and corrected a couple of typos.
A simple markdown editor compatible most markdown parse,You can choose any parse methods on server or client,like Mathematical formula、flowchart、upload image... this program is a plugin for laravel 5.4 and php 7.1 upper.more feature develop now... ...
#1.markdown easy and clear lessons three table and formula ##2.table ###2.1table markdown use pipeline diagram to implement table, the table which can use the emphasis, link and other inline format following code show a basic table
Jekyll Scientific plugin - A plugin which extends markdown to include features akin to Latex's that make markdown viable for research write-ups (Currently adds proper formula and citation support) - zcourts/jsc