Syntax highlighting is supported for a range of languages. YouTrack detects and highlights code in C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, Ruby, and SH automatically. To highlight code in other languages, set the language in the info string (the line with the opening code fence). Th...
Codebase allows you to use markdown in various places such as ticket updates and notebook pages. Markdown is great because of its support of code blocks. We've tied this in with Codebase's powerful syntax highlighting to provide language specific code blocks To use the syntax highlighting, ...
Set a language identifier for the code block to enable syntax highlighting for any of the supported languages in highlightjs.``` language code ``` More examples:``` js const count = records.length; ``` JavaScript 複製 const count = records.length; ...
Extensible.Do you want to add a@usernamemention syntax to Markdown? You can easily do so in goldmark. You can add your AST nodes, parsers for block-level elements, parsers for inline-level elements, transformers for paragraphs, transformers for the whole AST structure, and renderers. Performan...
Syntax highlighting Apply syntax highlighting to fenced code blocks with thehighlightoption: importmarkdownitfrom'markdown-it'importhljsfrom'highlight.js'// Actual default valuesconstmd=markdownit({highlight:function(str,lang){if(lang&&hljs.getLanguage(lang)){try{retu...
Editor with the syntax highlighting up to 300 file types Support code highlighting and smart editing as many programming languages as the IDE supports plus third-party extensions such as: IDEA Mind Map, PlantUML integration, Scala and Rust Markdown with preview mode(with Intellij Markdown plugin ...
g:vim_markdown_fenced_languages You can use filetype name as fenced code block languages for syntax highlighting. If you want to use different name from filetype, you can add it in your.vimrclike so: let g:vim_markdown_fenced_languages = ['csharp=cs'] ...
Fenced code blocks can include an optional tag that indicates the language syntax contained in the block. The publishing platform supports a list oflanguage tags. The language tag is used to provide syntax highlighting when the article is rendered on the webpage. The language tag is not case-...
GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM) enables syntax highlighting for popular programming languages and enables you to link to issues, pull requests, and commits. GitHub Pages helps you create project pages and blog posts that include custom themes. ...
syntax discussed above, and this will be converted to HTML and published as a normal post. Jetpack allows all of the basic Markdown elements, and has built-in support for syntax highlighting, which you can read more about in theMarkdown referenceguide. Everything works behind the scenes for...