Classsic Markdown: Classsic Markdown的翻译版: Extra Markdown: Github Markdown: MathJax:https://www.mathjax.o...
Markdown's formatting syntax is to make it as readable as possible," writes Gruber on Markdown's main page. Format your text with a few symbols, and it's still perfectly readable—both by humans and by programs which could turn the text into even more readable PDFs, websites, and ...
easy to use R Markdown syntax creates output to include in the report the report into a slideshow, pdf, html or ms Word file. rmarkdown 0.2.50 Updated: 8/14 A report. A report. A report. A report. A plot: A plot: A plot: A plot: Microsoft .Rmd = = Word ```{r} ```{r...
Basic writing and formatting syntax EMOJI CHEAT SHEET Markdown Reference from Typora 第一类,文字标记(空格表示文字):* *标示斜体,** **标示粗体,~~ ~~标示删除线,<>标示超链接(点击即打开邮箱);第二类,段落标记(空格表示文字):# 标示一级标题、## 标示二级标题、如此增加...
Syntax highlighting 语法突显 下面是一个例子,告诉你如何使用GitHub语法突显标记: 代码语言:javascript 复制 functionfancyAlert(arg){if(arg){$.facebox({div:'#foo'})}} 您也可以简单地将代码缩进四个空格: 代码语言:javascript 复制 functionfancyAlert(arg){if(arg){$.facebox({div:'#foo'})}} ...
Markdown Emoji emoji syntax support to VS Code's built-in markdown preview添加表情的,这个可以有。如下图,还行还行 全部表情的cheatsheet在 ...
完整版: cheat sheet: cheat sheet: cheat sheet with table(markdown-here):
Syntax highlighting emoji markdown-it-checkbox markdown-it-container markdown-it-include PlantUML markdown-it-plantuml mermaid knsv/mermaid Sample files pdf html png jpeg markdown-it-container INPUT ::: warning *here be dragons* ::: OUTPUT <div class="warning"> <p><em>here be dragons...
Code blocks are part of the Markdown spec, but syntax highlighting isn't. However, many renderers -- like Github's andMarkdown Here-- support syntax highlighting. Which languages are supported and how those language names should be written will vary from renderer to renderer.Markdown Heresuppo...
Optionally specify the language of the code after the backticks to highlight syntax Start lines with hyphens, plus or asterisks then a space to make an unordered list (Be consistent about which punctuation is used) - bread - milk - eggs ...