![image size](https://http://www.aqcoder.com/ravenq-qr.png =50x50) ![image size](https://http://www.aqcoder.com/ravenq-qr.png =x50) ![image size](https://http://www.aqcoder.com/ravenq-qr.png =50x)about echartsuse echarts.simple to reduce the bundle size....
![imagesize](https://http://www.aqcoder.com/ravenq-qr.png =50x) ``` about echarts use echarts.simple to reduce the bundle size. markdown-it-vue-light markdown-it-vue-light remove the mermaid chart to reduce the bundle size. ...
Image break the prompt window and scales to max? Expected the image to size to the prompt. Are there known steps to reproduce? Using AnythingLLM desktop client, Version 1.6.2 (1.6.2) and macOS Sonoma (14.6.1). Paste and send example markdown in prompt: ## The benefits of hybrid work...
Snip20160714_8.png Snip20160903_19.png Snip20160903_11.png Snip20160908_29.png
.vscodeignore 🔧 Reduce package size Jan 25, 2021 CHANGELOG.md 📝 update changelog (v3.4.3) May 8, 2022 LICENSE Create LICENSE Jan 3, 2017 README.md 📝 add "omit from toc" support (yzhang-gh#1118) Apr 21, 2022 donate.md ☕ Feb 17, 2019 package-lock.json 🔧 Bump version...
![网络图片](https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg?image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1591173652035&di=4c8b8c579301ad220d523ff1a951b745&imgtype=0&src=http%3A%2F%2Fbbsimg.feidee.com%2Fdata%2Fattachment%2Fforum%2Fmonth_1301%2F13010811457abe97de71de9d87.jpg) ...
.reduce((acc, cur) => `${acc}${cur.content}`, '') || '' toc.push({ val, level: markup.length }) } html展示 {showToc && ( <div className={styles.toc}> <div className={styles.tocTitle}>目录</div> <div> {tocList.map(({ val, level }, index) => { const fontSize =...
reformat tests 5年前 META-INF add table options, fix ext-gfm-tables and ext-tables 9年前 assets refactor to lambda, some inspection warnings fixed 5年前 etc rework for maven release 8年前 flexmark-all delete deprecated methods, fields, classes, modules ...
Refactor dependencies, delete apache dependencies, reduce plug-in size 移除com.intellij.modules.java, 支持 WebStorm, PyCharm, GoLand 等 IDE 重构依赖, 删除 apache 相关依赖, 减少插件体积 1.0.0-RELEASE Delete the Qcloud SDK, upload pictures using REST API ...
The maintainers ofmarkdown-itand thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact depen...