嵌套列表时,对数字开头的列表和星号开头的列表都使用四个空格的缩进: 1.2 spaces after a numbered list. 4 space indent for wrapped text.2.2 spaces again.*3 spaces after a bullet. 4 space indent for wrapped text.1.2 spaces after a numbered list. 8 space indent for the wrapped text of a neste...
Note that you can't indent your lists more than one level. Additional spaces before the syntax won't have an effect. Can You Use Numbered Lists in Discord? You can! You don't need to do anything special to make a numbered list—just number them as you go, and when you hit Enter t...
I would expect the output of lists, if they are going to try and align items, to align them based on the number of items in the list. Right now the alignment is fixed in a way that works for lists with double-digit list items but breaks down for both lists with only single-digit ...
嵌套列表时,对数字开头的列表和星号开头的列表都使用四个空格的缩进: 1. 2 spaces after a numbered list. 4 space indent for wrapped text. 2. 2 spaces again. * 3 spaces after a bullet. 4 space indent for wrapped text. 1. 2 spaces after a numbered list. 8 space indent for the wrapped t...
It looks nice if you indent every line of the subsequent paragraphs, but here again, Markdown will allow you to be lazy: * This is a list item with two paragraphs. This is the second paragraph in the list item. You're only required to indent the first line. Lorem ipsum dolor sit am...
Begin a line with - or * to start an unordered bullet list. Begin a line with 1. to start a numbered list. Begin a line with - [ ] to start a task list. When writing any kind of list, hit Tab to add a indent, and Shift+Tab to outdent. Quotes Begin a line with > to ...
To indent text to align with a preceding paragraph or an item in a numbered or bulleted list, use spaces.The following two examples show how indented paragraphs render based on their relationship to other paragraphs.Kopiraj 1. This is a numbered list example (one space after the period ...
* Indent a leveltomake a nested list1.Ordered lists are supported.2.Starteachitem (number-period-space)like`1.`42.It doesn't matter what number you use, I will render them sequentially1.So you might wanttostarteachlinewith`1.`andletmesort it out ...
vim.active && editorLangId == 'markdown'"},{"key":"ctrl+shift+[","command":"insertNumberedList","when":"editorTextFocus && !vim.active && editorLangId == 'markdown'"},{"key":"ctrl+shift+]","command":"insertBulletedList","when":"editorTextFocus && !vim.active && editorLangId ==...
When you have a code snippet in a numbered list, indent snippets so they match the indentation of their parent steps (typically two spaces). Also, we recommend you use even-numbered indentation (with tabs composed of two spaces) like this: ...