With self-hosted Confluence, this can be done OOTB with the Markup macro (select Insert > Markdown from the drop-down). You also have the option of adding a Marketplace app - Markdown Macro for Confluence is a free one, but you can browse apps specific to Confluence Server and Data Ce...
How do I use Markdown if at all for authoring Confluence content?I ask because a web search shows a number of articles and pieces of documentation that indicate one can use Markdown directly in Confluence via Insert > Markdown. However, I don't have that option. My Confluence insert drop...
[confluence插件] confluence-markdown-macro-1.6.24.jar [confluence插件] confluence-markdown-macro-1.6.24.jar [confluence插件] confluence-markdown-macro-1.6.24.jar [confluence插件] confluence-markdo点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 Clonezilla...
SeeConfluence TOC Macrofor the list of parameters - keep in mind that here they start with capital letters. Every skipped field will have the default value, so feel free to include only the ones that you require. Insert PageTree #My First Heading<!--Include: ac:pagetree--> The pagetree...
confluence-markdown-macro-1.6.25.jar lo**ly上传22.46MB文件格式jarjava confluence-markdown-macro-1.6.25 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分
dockerrunjustmiles/markdown2confluence--version ``` Build using docker ```shell dockerrun-v$PWD:/src -w /srcgoreleaser/goreleaser--snapshot--skip-publish--rm-dist ``` Environment Variables For best practice we recommend youauthenticate using an API token. ...
markdown2confluence \ --space'MyTeamSpace'\ --parent'API Docs'\ --use-document-title \ markdown-files Enhancements It is possible to insert Confluence macros using fenced code blocks. The "language" for this isCONFLUENCE-MACRO, exactly like that in all-caps. Here is an example for a ToC...
And there is also a supported (licensed) add-on: Markdown for Confluence written independently but based on the same underlying library. Boris Berenberg (Inactive) added a comment - 26/Jun/2013 8:12 PM We have released an unsupported macro to help with this. https://marketplace.atlassian...
MultiMarkdown as of 4.7 has a the following macro: {{TOC}} according to Jannik's answer: If your Markdown file is to be displayed in a repo on bitbucket.org, you can use the following at the location where you want your table of contents (more info here): [TOC] according to...
conflr_addin_clear_password_after_success: IfTRUE, unsetCONFLUENCE_PASSWORDafter the page is successfully uploaded via addin. Know limitations LaTeX support conflr supportsMath expressionsto some extent. But, it requiresLaTeX Math addoninstalled. Otherwise, you will see “unknown macro” errors on th...