如果要在列表中放入引用,那> 就需要缩进 4 个空格或 1 个制表符: * A list item with a blockquote: > This is a blockquote > inside a list item. A list item with a blockquote:This is a blockquote inside a list item. 列表中放入代码块。如果要在列表中放代码区块的话,该区块就需要缩进两...
在引用标记符>前需要缩进,一般 2 个空格键: -A list item with a blockquote:>This is a blockquote(标记符>前有2个空格)>inside a list item.1.A list item with a blockquote:>This is a blockquote(标记符>前有4个空格或者1个 Tab)>inside a list item. A list item with a blockquote: Thi...
](/assets/images/help/repository/actions-tab-global-nav-update.png) This is another paragraph in the list. 1. This is the next item. 此内容显示在 GitHub Docs 网站上,第一个列表项下的内容正确对齐。 GitHub Docs 上呈现的示例列表 在你的存储库名称下,单击“操作”。 这是...
List of files to lint.Each array element should be a single file (via relative or absolute path); globbing is the caller's responsibility.Example: [ "one.md", "dir/two.md" ]options.frontMatterType: RegExpMatches any front matter found at the beginning of a file....
ListRule(ListItemRule): """ 列表规则 """ type = 'list' inside = False def condition(self, block): return True def action(self, block, handler): if not self.inside and ListItemRule.condition(self, block): handler.start(self.type) self.inside = True elif self.inside and not ListItem...
task listitem1 item2 item3emoji😄注释demo混合强调样式基本强调样式 加粗 倾斜 删除 混合强调样式 加粗倾斜 加粗删除 倾斜删除 加粗倾斜删除图片链接基本文字链接 链接文字 百度 基本图片  图片链接 引用链接的问题多级列表item 1 1.1. item 1.1 1.2. item 1.2 item 2 2.1 item 2.1 2.2 ...
inside a list item. System.out.pringln(hello); 若遇到需要显示数字+英文句号+空格的时候,则可以使用转义符: 语法:2017\. 你好 效果:2017. 你好 引用 在Markdown 中,引用只需要在文本前加入 > ,可以在每行的最前面加上 > ,也允许只在整个段落的第一行最前面加上 >,区块引用可以嵌套(例如:引用内的引用...
To nest an unordered list inside an unordered or ordered list, indent the line with two spaces. Nesting ordered lists is not supported. The following list **must** begin with the number 1: 1. Only lists that start with 1 are allowed to interrupt paragraphs. ...
This list is ordered. This is a quote. This is a quote inside a quote. This is a list in a quote. Another item in the quote list. Here’s how to include an image with alt text and a title: DigitalOcean Logo We also support some extra syntax for setting the width, height and ...
Begin each list item on a new line. In a Markdown file or widget, enter two spaces before the line break to begin a new paragraph or enter two line breaks consecutively to begin a new paragraph.Ordered or numbered listsExample:markdown 複製 ...