github: doc: 安装依赖 npm i -S markdown-it markdown-it-for-inline 1. 代码示例 1、默认default linkify: false var md = require("markdown-it")() co...
markdown-it 官方demo markdown-it 文档 1、配置highlightjs,针对markdown中各种语言高亮,针对对应的标签 pre code 里面的样式 -- index.js 2、 index.html 3.package.json 4、readme
$ npm install mathpix-markdown-it jsdom window Node app.js: const {MathpixMarkdownModel} = require('mathpix-markdown-it'); const Window = require('window'); const window = new Window(); global.window = window; global.document = window.document; const jsdom = require("jsdom"); cons...
// node.js// can use `require('markdown-it')` for CJSimportmarkdownitfrom'markdown-it'constmd=markdownit()constresult=md.render('# markdown-it rulezz!');// browser with UMD build, added to "window" on script load// Note, there is no dash in "markdownit".constmd=window.mark...
mdit-vue markdown-itplugins forVue.js Why? As we know,Markdowncould be converted into HTML, and raw HTML is supported by most of the Markdown parsers. Since theVue template syntaxis HTML-based, and all Vue templates are syntactically valid HTML, it's quite straight forward to think that...
next.js markdown.css markdown-it markdown-it-katex markdown-it-plantuml markdown-it-chart mermaid opener sequence-diagrams Buy Me A Coffee ☕️ 简介 暂无标签 JavaScript等 6 种语言 ... Dependencies markdown-it: Markdown parser done right. Fast and easy to extend. katex: This is where credits for fast rendering TeX math in HTML go to. ToDo
渲染markdown用marked 和markdown-it?哪个好用?
If you're using the default markdown-it parser, I also recommend thegithub stylesheet: <linkrel="stylesheet"href=""/> KaTeXoptions can be supplied with the second argument to use. ...
方法如下:1、package.json文件中添加以下依赖,然后重新运行npm install;2、vue.config.js中添加以下配置;3、main.js中添加;4、App.vue中引入.md文件;5、markdownTest.md文件的编写;vue.config.js中配置markdown-it-container是为了渲染引用块的样式和vuepress中的类似,.md文件中支持插槽的写法,...