Shift + Alt + P 插入分页符 Insert page break Alt + L 将所选文本转成小写 Selection text convert to lowercase Shift + Alt + U 将所选的每个单词的首字母转成大写 Selection words first letter convert to Uppercase Ctrl + Shift + Alt + C 打开插入代码块对话框层 Open code blocks dialog Ctrl ...
1 #+空格 确实无效 ;1 双空格 无效 ;2 有效;3<br/>有效;
To format a code block in Markdown, indent every line of the block by at least four spaces. An indented code block cannot interrupt a paragraph, so you must insert at least one empty line between a paragraph and the indented code block that follows. The input is processed as follows: On...
In Typora, inputting ‘>’ followed by your quote contents will generate a quote block. Typora will insert a proper ‘>’ or line break for you. Nested block quotes (a block quote inside another block quote) by adding additional levels of ‘>’. 嵌套块引用(Nested Blockquotes) 块引用可以...
Block Elements Paragraph and line breaks press Enter to create a new paragraph press Shift + Enter to create a single line break,to make other markdown parsers recognize your line break, you can leave tow whitespace at the end of the line,or insert ...
markdown Copy Here is a<br />line break Here is aline breakWork with codeMarkdown provides default behavior for working with inline code blocks delimited by the backtick (`) character. When decorating text with this character, it's rendered as code.markdown Copy ...
1. For the first element, insert a single space after the 1. Long sentences should be wrapped to the next line and must line up with the first character after the numbered list marker. To include a second element, insert a line break after the first and align indentations. The indentatio...
Insert block quote arrows: Add the block quote marker (the "greater than" character>) at the beginning of each line in a block quote. Tabs and Indents Configure the options for nesting text blocks and alignment within a block.
Insert Header: Control + Shift + G Shift Line Left: Select lines, Cmd + [ Shift Line Right: Select lines, Cmd + ] New Line: Cmd + Return Comment: Cmd + / Hard Linebreak: Control + Return Edit Auto complete current word: Esc ...
Filling with now respects Pandoc line blocks. (GH-144) Add interactive link editing and insertion command markdown-insert-link. (GH-199) Added C-c C-d, markdown-do, which is a replacement for C-c C-l, markdown-jump. In addition to jumping between reference/footnote labels and definitio...