使用For循环遍历数据集中的每个表,并使用kable()函数创建表格:for (i in seq_along(tables)) { table_name <- names(tables)[i] table <- tables[[i]] cat("##", table_name, "\n\n") kable(table) %>% kable_styling() %>% cat("\n\n") } ...
Essentially, to make a table, add a pipe character—this: |—before and after every cell in the table, and add a row of dashes to separate your header cell. To make everything look nicer, use tabs to separate text instead of spaces. Here's how it should look: | Food | Price | ...
Advanced features for power users MarkdownPad Prosupports multiple Markdown processing engines, including Markdown Extra (with Table support), and GitHub Flavored Markdown. With tabbed documents, a built-in image uploader, spell check, auto-save and syntax highlighting, there's no limit to what ...
<td> ${c.paravalue}<br> </c:forEach> </td> </tr> </table>...
GFM Markdown table syntax is quite simple. It does not allow row or cell spanning as well as putting multi-line text in a cell. The first row is always the header followed by an extra line with dashes "-" and optional colons ":" for forcing column alignment. ...
To add a new row, press ShiftEnter. As you type, IntelliJ IDEA automatically adjusts the rows and columns to properly fit the contents in table cells. For information about disabling assistance features when editing tables, see Smart Keys: Markdown IntelliJ IDEA highlights any table with ...
Within a Markdown file, text with four spaces at the beginning of the line automatically converts to a code block.Set a language identifier for the code block to enable syntax highlighting for any of the supported languages in highlightjs....
A Markdown-it plugin for adding a table of contents to markdown documents. Latest version: 0.9.0, last published: a month ago. Start using markdown-it-table-of-contents in your project by running `npm i markdown-it-table-of-contents`. There are 169 other
:pencil: Markdown code for lots of small badges :ribbon: :pushpin: (shields.io, forthebadge.com etc) :sunglasses:. Contributions are welcome! Please add yours! - GitHub - Naereen/badges: :pencil: Markdown code for lots of small badges :pushpin: (shields.
markdownTable(table[, options]) Generate a markdown table from table data (matrix of strings). options Configuration (optional). options.align One style for all columns, or styles for their respective columns (stringorArray<string>). Each style is either'l'(left),'r'(right), or'c'(cent...