options.codeBlockStyle === 'fenced' && node.nodeName === 'PRE' && node.firstChild && node.firstChild.nodeName === 'CODE' ) }, 所以这个问题也很好解决,只要增加一个过滤条件即可,这是我修改后的过滤条件。 rules.birdCodeBlock = { filter: function (node, options) { return ( options.codeB...
"code_blocks":指定本规则是否(true or false)对代码块生效,默认是true 一些经常使用的名称可以使用本规则防止其拼写错误,比如JavaScript中字母J和S需要大写,就可以写到参数"names"中,防止写错 MD045 - Images should have alternate text (alt text) 图片链接必须包含描述文本(alt text) MD046 - Code block sty...
R Markdown代码块选项有时候会很长,一般的Typora主题都没有顾及到这一点,编辑时会遮挡当前代码块,分享一下相关设置,相关参数可能需要自己调节一下。 /*Code-Block-Styles*/ .md-fences{ font-family:var(--code-font-family); background-color:var(--code-block-bg-color); cursor: default; color:var(-...
import{Sitdown}from'sitdown/src.esm';import{applyJuejinRule}from'@sitdown/juejin/src.esm';letsitdown=newSitdown({keepFilter:['style'],codeBlockStyle:'fenced',bulletListMarker:'-',hr:'---',});sitdown.use(applyJuejinRule); 搭配Markdown Nice 使用 Markdown Nice:https://mdnice.com,是一款...
<pre> 和 <code> 标签包围代码块 要在Markdown 中插入代码块, 只需要将每一行都缩进 4 个空格或者 1 个水平制表符. 例如, 下面的输入: This is a normal paragraph: This is a code block. 只有一级缩进 -- 4 个空格或者 1 个水平制表符 -- 会从代码块中的每一行中移除. 例如: ...
MD046code-block-style- Code block style MD047single-trailing-newline- Files should end with a single newline character MD048code-fence-style- Code fence style MD049emphasis-style- Emphasis style MD050strong-style- Strong style MD051link-fragments- Link fragments should be valid ...
MD046 code-block-style - Code block style MD047 single-trailing-newline - Files should end with a single newline character MD048 code-fence-style - Code fence style MD049 emphasis-style - Emphasis style MD050 strong-style - Strong style MD051 link-fragments - Link fragments should be vali...
IntelliJ IDEA | Settings | Editor | Code Style | Markdownfor macOS CtrlAlt0S Use this page to configure formatting options for Markdown files. When you change these settings, thePreviewpane shows how this will affect your code. Configure the options for breaking lines. ...
// bool string 还有函数名,字符串本身就是这些颜色。白色设置的是本来黑色的字符.hljs{display: block;overflow-x: auto;padding:0.5em;background:#1E1E1E;color:#DCDCDC; }code.hljs{display: inline-block!important;vertical-align: top!important; ...