Markdown Syntax 是 - [ ] 和 - [x]。有未完成、已完成、已删除三种 checkbox 的状态。 根据缩进,checkbox 会交替显示方形或圆形。 也可以在 [偏好设置 - 高级设置] 中进一步设置「已完成」的 Task 如何显示。可以从 Strikethrough、Faded、None 三种样式中选择,默认 Strikethrough。 引用 Markdown Syntax 是 ...
VS Code extension that adds support for checkbox syntax to the built-in markdown preview - GitHub - mjbvz/vscode-markdown-checkboxes: VS Code extension that adds support for checkbox syntax to the built-in markdown preview
新建my_markdown_style.dart 继承 SyntaxHighlighterfu override format 方法: import 'package:flutter/material.dart';import 'package:flutter_markdown/flutter_markdown.dart' as md;import 'package:syntax_highlighter/syntax_highlighter.dart';class HighLight extends md.SyntaxHighlighter { @override TextSpan for...
Enter an arbitrary string of text following the checklist item marker. The text is displayed inline with the checkbox. Tables are a great tool for adding structure to your content. Use the following syntax to create tables: To create columns, use vertical bars (|). The outer bars are option...
Markdown Emoji emoji syntax support to VS Code's built-in markdown preview添加表情的,这个可以有。如下图,还行还行 全部表情的cheatsheet在 ...
这是一个非常wow的功能,可以自动生成一堆checkbox 案例: - [x] @mentions, #refs, [links](), **formatting**, and <del>tags</del> supported - [x] list syntax required (any unordered or ordered list supported) - [x] this is a complete item ...
Supported Markdown Syntax: <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> automatic table of contents <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> table & class customize <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> *SyntaxHighlighter ...
Syntax highlighting emoji markdown-it-checkbox markdown-it-container markdown-it-include PlantUML markdown-it-plantuml mermaid Sample files pdf html png jpeg markdown-it-container INPUT ::: warning *here be dragons* ::: OUTPUT <divclass="warning"><p><em>here be dragons</em></p></div...
TeX-like Math Syntax I can also render TeX-like math syntaxes, if you allow me to.5I can do inline math like this: 1+1 or this (in MathML): 1+1 , and block math: ATS=B or (in MathML) A S T B Task List Syntax I can render checkbox list syntax ...
1 2 3 4 5 ``` 四个反引号开始的代码块 ` 有一个 `` 有两个 ``` 有三个 ``` 四个反引号结束的代码块 反正,包括代码块的反引号可以一直重复,比里面用到的多就好了。 Daring Fireball: Markdown Syntax Documentation