In addition to our theoretical results, we provide computational methods for drawing from the posterior using probabilistic programming. The performance of our computational methods is illustrated in two examples.doi:10.1111/sjos.12562Jongbloed, Geurtvan der Meulen, FrankPang, Lixue...
Goodness of fit test statistics based on the information discrepancy have been shown to perform very well (Vasicek 1976, Dudewicz and van der Meulen 1981, Chandra et al 1982, Gohkale 1983, Arizona and Ohta 1989, Ebrahimi et al 1992, etc)... Park, Sang-Un,Lim, Jong-Gun - 한국통...
Die wenners van hierdie beleid is die relatief klein aantal surplus produsente en die drie industri毛e meulens wat monopolie magte het. Dit word voorgestel dat die Owerheid van Lesotho die koringmark van Lesotho moet liberaliseer.H. D. van Schalkwyk...
Sat on a golden sofa at St James's Palace, beneath a giltframed picture by Van Der Meulen, he was a modern Royal in denim jeans and opennecked shirt. William slipped off his shoes and sipped still mineral water, at ease in surroundings fit for a king. But the unassuming young man is...
De Ouwe Meulen提供儿童游乐区。... 评分7.87.8 好 113条住客点评 显示价格 Hotel Gorinchem 在新窗口中打开 霍林赫姆显示在地图上离 德尼尤伊多伦剧院 2千米 Hotel Gorinchem是一家友好的四星级酒店,理想地位于美丽的Gorinchem市。整个酒店都拥有免费WiFi,并提供免费停车场。 酒店的客房都经过精心维护,并拥有...
Bayesian nonparametric estimation in the current status continuous mark modelBayesian nonparametricscensoringcontraction rateGraph–Laplaciandoi:10.1111/sjos.12562Jongbloed, Geurtvan der Meulen, Frank H.Pang, LixueJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdScandinavian Journal of Statistics...
The system provides an output comprising the first impression and the scores for the perceptive traits determined by the model for the face.P. J. VelthuisH. C. KlepetkoJ. J. N. M. van der Meulen
The system provides an output comprising the first impression and the scores for the perceptive traits determined by the model for the face.P. J. VELTHUISH. C. KLEPETKOJ. J. N. M. VAN DER MEULEN
doi:10.1016/, AnneliesKatholieke Univ Leuvenvan der Heijde, BramKatholieke Univ LeuvenPatteeuw, DieterKatholieke Univ LeuvenVanhoudt, DirkEnergyVilleHelsen, LieveKatholieke Univ LeuvenEnergy
In this work, we will show the experimental results of small alignment mark and investigate the on product overlay performance by simulation.doi:10.1117/12.2584618Jigang MaF. BijnenE. HulsebosL. MachtSotirios TsiachrisJin DaiRob van der MeulenMiao YuP. BckerJung-Hwan Kim...