RINUS VAN DE VELDE - ASHTRAYS (solo)07.01 - 08.08KÖNIG London (London (England), United Kingdom) (1)(3) Veit Laurent Kurz - Plant Fear (solo)07.01 - 08.08Miguel Abreu Gallery(88 Eldridge Street) (New York City, NY, United States) (1) Donald Moffett - Aluminum / White House Unmoor...
Matsushita K, van der Velde M, Astor BC, Woodward M, Levey AS, de Jong PE et al. Association of estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: a collaborative meta-analysis of general population cohorts. Lancet. 2010 Jun 12;375(9731):2073–81...
Henry van de Velde设计奖旨在表彰多种多样的佛兰德设计,是为纪念著名的设计师、建筑师和艺术家Henry ...
Henry van de Velde设计奖旨在表彰多种多样的佛兰德设计,是为纪念著名的设计师、建筑师和艺术家Henry ...
Wilfred,D, Gerben van V.Industry Innovativeness, Firm Size, and Entrepreneurship: Schumpeter Mark III? [J]. Jour-nal of Evolutionary Economics, 2014,24(4) :713 - 736.Dolfsma, W. and G. van der Velde (2014), "Industry innovativeness, firm size, and entrepreneurship: Schumpeter Mark III?
导演Dana Nechushtan 主演Mohammed AzaayAbdenbi AzzaouiJacob DerwigSabri Saad El-HamusMimi Ferrer 2004 佛罗利斯[演员(饰 Zieke)] 导演Jean van de Velde 主演Bavo Galema米契尔·哈思曼Victor LöwLoes WoutersonYannick van de Velde 毒枭人生[演员(饰 Messy Character)] ...
Jean van de Velde’s 18th-hole meltdown There is no more famous golf meltdown, however, than Jean van de Velde at the 1999 Open Championship at Carnoustie. The Frenchman led by three strokes entering the final hole yet took an aggressive approach off the tee that fortunately avoided the wa...
de Kok M, Scholte RW, Sixma HJ, van der Weijden T, Spijkers KF, van de Velde CJ, Roukema JA, ven der Ent FW, Bell AV, von Meyenfeldt MF: The patient’s perspective of the quality of breast cancer care. The development of an instrument to measure quality of care through focus group...
Mark of the Phoenix: Regia di Maclean Rogers. Con Sheldon Lawrence, Julia Arnall, Anton Diffring, Eric Pohlmann. A sample of an advanced new metal is stolen and made into a cigarette case in Brussels ready for smuggling to the East. An American jewel thi
Previous 43 6.6 TV Series Hans van Bijsterveld 2011 All Stars 2: Old Stars 6.2 Uli 2011 Levenslied 7.2 TV Series Medewerker Bourtange 2011 Johnny Bingo 6.7 Short Deurwaarder 2009 Wilsberg 7.4 TV Series Koos van Buuren 2008 In-development projects at IMDbPro ...