Following The Gilded Age (1873), written in collaboration with Charles Dudley Warner, Twain began a literary exploration of his childhood memories of the Mississippi, resulting in a trio of masterpieces--The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876), Life on the Mississippi (1883), and finally The Advent...
Mark Twain马克吐温的一生 英文课件 MarkTwain(1835~1910)I.Background MarkTwain •Name:SamuelLanghorneClemens•Born:November30,1835,Florida,Missouri,U.S.•Died:April21,1910(aged74),Redding,Connecticut,U.S.•Penname:MarkTwain•Genres:Fiction,historicalfiction,children'sliterature,non-fiction,...
A complete bibliography of his works is nearly impossible to compile because of the vast number of pieces written by Twain (often in obscure newspapers) and his use of several different pen names. Additionally, a large portion of his speeches and lectures have been lost or were not written ...
1868drewtheattentionofthenationtoanewgenreofwriting.In1880’sitreacheditsclimax;notuntiltheturnofthecenturydiditceasetobeadominantfashion,asitslimitedresourceswereexhausted.HarlemGarlanddefineditas:“havingsuchqualityoftextureand backgroundthatitcouldnothavebeenwritteninanyotherplaceorbyanyoneelsethananative.”...
"Race, Genealogy and Genre in Mark Twain's Pudd'nhead Wilson," Nineteenth-Century Literature 46.4 (March 1992): 495-516.Howe,L.Race,genealogy,and genre in Mark Twain s Pudd nhead Wilson. Nineteenth-Century Literature . 1992Howe L. Race,genealogy,and genre in Mark Twain's Pudd'nhead ...
the relative contempt for the written as against the spoken word; the racy language; the attitudes toward dudes and the East, the two being almost synonymous; the impatience with the ways and principles of law—all these characteristics of the American frontier are to be found in Twain’s bes...
1868drewtheattentionofthenationtoanewgenreofwriting.In1880’sitreacheditsclimax;notuntiltheturnofthecenturydiditceasetobeadominantfashion,asitslimitedresourceswereexhausted.HarlemGarlanddefineditas:“havingsuchqualityoftextureand backgroundthatitcouldnothavebeenwritteninanyotherplaceorbyanyoneelsethananative.”...
文档介绍:Mark Twain (1835-1910)1Local Colorism (Regionalism)As a literary trend, local colorism first appeared in the late 1860’s and early 70’s. Pret Harte’s The Luck of Roaring Camp in 1868 drew the attention of the nation to a new genre of writing. In 1880’s it reached its ...
A complete bibliography of his works is nearly impossible to compile because of the vast number of pieces written by Twain (often in obscure newspapers) and his use of several different pen names. Additionally, a large portion of his speeches and lectures have been lost or were not written ...
MarkTwaindescribedthemajorthemeofTheAdventuresofHuckleberryFinnas “Asoundheartandadeformedconsciencecomeintocollision,andconsciencesuffersdefeat.”•“Asoundheart”=agood,honestheart.•“Adeformedconscience”=aconscienceinfluencedbythelawsofsocietyandasenseofdutytowardthoselaws.KeyFacts •Genre •SatiricNovel...