Mark to market一词源于会计术语,原意为用现在的市场价值来衡量一项资产的价值。在期货中使用这一规则是为了满足在交易所连续交易的需要,也减少了违约风险。现在Mark to Market (MTM),意为以市值计价,是指根据当时市场价值纪录一种证券、投资组合或账户的价格或价值,交易商计算买卖收益及损失。以及在...
Formerly stable credit funds are mark - to - market are posting horrific numbers. 之前稳定的按市场计价的信贷基金正报出可怕的数字. 互联网 They are forced tomark to marketevery day and are benchmarked to relative performance. 他们被迫每天盯着市场,并以相对业绩作为基准衡量指标. ...
Define Mark to market. Mark to market synonyms, Mark to market pronunciation, Mark to market translation, English dictionary definition of Mark to market. adj accounting denoting a system that values assets according to their current market price Collins
45 to limit potential marked to market losses. The current market price is Rs. 52 per share. Assume a trader buys 100 shares of ABC company at a price of Rs. 50 per share. The trader then sets a stop loss at Rs. 45 to limit potential marked to market losses. The current market ...
Assets and liabilities affected by MTM include futures contracts and mortgage-backed securities, among others. When these are marked to market, they reflect their fair market value – the price at which the asset or liability would change hands in a transaction between willing, informed, and unrel...
(redirected frommarked) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Legal Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia 1. See:Mark to market. 2. See:Deutschemark. Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or...
the trader is likely to face a margin call. Aside from assets or securities, mutual funds are also marked to market. Mark to market is important for futures contract which involves a long trader and a short trader. Futures contracts involve two parties, the bul...
In mark to market, the price of an asset is marked to the current market price. Or, we can say the price of the asset reflects the current market price of that asset. In MTM, the value of an asset could either increase or go down depending on the market conditions. ...
类似于 "mark to market" 的短语,可翻译成 瑞典文 mark-to-market marknadsvärde 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“mark to market"翻译成 瑞典文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 In the case of simple contracts, the marked-to-market value of the contracts will usually be relevant ...
Portfolio managers rely on MTM valuation to provide accurate daily performance metrics to clients and regulators. A mutual fund's NAV is perhaps the clearest example—each day at market close, every security in the fund is marked to its closing price, creating a precise snapshot of the fund'...