Mark Rothko的作品「Untitled (Green on Blue)」无水印高清大图免费下载,创作年代:1968,图片尺寸:367 × 570 像素,风格:Color Field Painting,体裁:抽象画,超高清世界名画尽在「麦田艺术」
事实上直到1940年,罗斯科才决定采用艺术经纪人的建议将带有异域风韵的名字马库斯·罗斯科维奇(Marcus Rothkowitz)改名为我们今天熟知的马克·罗斯科(Mark Rothko)。 1940到1947年间罗斯科将超现实主义作为自己的主攻方向,画面不再出现像《地下铁出口》这样的现实场景。 Untitled, 1945-46 Slow Swirl at the Edge of the...
Mark RothkoAbstract Expressionism... Untitled 18, 1963 £250, framed art print Mark RothkoAbstract ExpressionismAbstractModern Art Untitled, 1968 £270, framed art print Mark RothkoAbstract ExpressionismAbstract... Untitled, 1969 £270, framed art print ...
Paintings by Mark Rothko in Chronological Order Untitled, 1940 Aubade, 1944 Slow Swirl at the Edge of the Sea, 1944 Untitled, 1944 Archaic Idol, 1945 Untitled, 1945 Untitled, 1947 Untitled (14B), 1947 Yellow, Cherry, Orange, 1947 Multiform, 1948 No.1 (Untitled), 1948 No.24, 1949 Violet...
Mark Rothko 布面油彩 Oil on canvas Color Field Painting, 1969 Oil on Canvas 8.75 x 7.25 in Color Field Painting (Red and Yellow), 1968 Oil on canvas 27.5 x 19.5in UNTITLED, 1969 oil on paper mounted on canvas 39 by 25 1/2 in. 99.1 by 64.8 cm Featuring color field abstract painting...
马克·罗斯科( Mark Rothko),1940 年之前称为马库斯·雅科夫列维奇·罗斯科维茨(Markus Yakovlevich Rothkowitz ),是一位美国抽象派画家。他最出名的作品是1949 年至 1970 年间创作的色场画,这些画描绘了不规则的矩形色区。虽然罗斯科本人并不属于任何一个流派,但他与美国现代艺术抽象表现主义运动有着密切的联系。
InUntitled, Rothko has employed a thick heavy brush to articulate the two dominant rectangular crimson forms that rest upon a fiery scarlet background. The coarse sweeps of this brush allow the vibrant scarlet tone to seep through the more sombre color and impregnate it with warmth and dramatic...
名字:马克・罗斯科 Mark Rothko 生平:1903 - 1970,出生于拉脱维亚的犹太人,于 1910 年移民美国 创作:抽象表现主义,善于以极简的手法,透过色域、几何图像与构成传达精神内涵。后期常以巨幅创作,拉近观赏者的距离,营造宛如置身于画作之中的视觉感,借此触动观者的心灵层面。
Among the postwar works headed to auction is Rothko’s Untitled (Black Blue Painting), completed in 1968, at the apex of his career, which will be offered at a price of £2.5 million–£3.5 million ($3.5 million–$4.5 million). It will be sold alongside Stella’s vibrant painting Sc...
Mark Rothko 1903 - 1970 Untitled (Yellow and Blue) oil on canvas 242.9 by 186.7 cm. 95⅝ by 73½ in. Executed in 1954. --- 顯赫收藏 馬克・羅斯科 1903 - 1970年 無題(黃與藍) 油畫畫布 242.9 x 186.7 公分 95⅝ x 73½ 英寸 1954年作 Condition report...