Mark RothkoPricing modelsAuction pricesColorColor representationAbstract ExpressionismColor paletteColor DiversificationColor contrastThe relationship between prices of paintings at public auctions and their attributes has received much attention in recent years. However, the effects of color have been mostly ...
Type: lot Mark Rothko Untitled Type: lot Mark Rothko Untitled Type: lot 馬克·羅斯科 馬克·羅斯科 生平1903年,羅斯科生於今日的拉脫維亞,屬俄羅斯猶太裔家庭,同年隨家人移居美國,定居俄勒岡州波特蘭。1920年代初,他憑著獎學金入讀耶魯大學,但不久輟學,然後前往紐約,在藝術學生聯盟接受他此生唯一的藝術訓練。
Paintings by Mark Rothko(September 25, 1903 – February 25, 1970)马克·罗斯科的作品里独爱着蓝色和红色色块。我想他们是最接近忧郁和生命/死亡的颜色。也最接近他口中和画笔下这个躁动、极具攻击性、疏离、缺乏真实且窒息的时代。“这是个累赘、蠢动、消费的年代。至于哪种情况对世界更好,我恐怕没资格评论。
Mark Rothko (September 25, 1903 – February 25, 1970), born Marcus Yakovlevich Rothkowitz, was a Russian-American painter. Though he never accepted the label, he is regarded as an abstract expressionist. He even refused to be classified as an abstract painter. Learn more » Paintings by ...
To many people's eyes, artist Mark Rothko's enormous paintings are little more than masses of color.Yet a Rothko can fetch nearly $100 million. Meanwhile, Pablo Picasso's warped faces fascinate some viewers and terrify others.Why do our perceptions of beauty differ so widely? The answer may...
He's a Russian-born painter whose later works focused on color as their content. In this lesson, learn about the life and works of Mark Rothko...
Mark Rothko (1903-1970) was a celebrated Abstract Expressionist best known for his large, iconic 'colour field' paintings with blocks of glowing colour. Rothko devised a unique method to achieve luminosity in his work by applying thin washes of oil paint. Obsessed by colour, Rothko carefully ...
One was a group of murals for the Four Seasons restaurant in New York's Seagram Building, which Rothko never completed since he withdrew from the project; another was a series of paintings for a non-denominational chapel in Houston, Texas. Rothko consulted with the chapel's architects, and ...
Rothko Chapel Houston Chamber Choir/Robert Simpson, Sarah Rothenberg (piano)ECM New Series 481 17964 Fri Nov 20 2015 - 00:00 Charles Tyrrell finds human fallibility in the logic of the grid | Visual art Tyrrell’s paintings, in the tricky Uillinn gallery, aim for the ‘rightness’ of natur...
C In many people's eyes, artist Mark Rothko's enormous paintings are nothing more than masses of color. Yet, a painting can be worth nearly $ 100million. Besides, Pablo Picasso's twisted faces at-tract some viewers but terrify others.Why does the phenomenon happen? The an-swer may lie ...